Chapter 1

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"Say it one more time shit head,and your lips are gonna be big." Rose said defensively, squeezing the fork that was in her hands. The soc just looked up from taking a sip from his beer,and grinned as if the fork was just a flea,he didn't care.

He then took another sip and spatted at Rose's face,the tiny droplets sparkled as it reflected the lights off the eerie blue and pink diner,making it look as if he was shooting stars from his mouth,then turning out to be actually spitting out beer. I stepped back and hid behind Rose.Rose then wiped her face from the droplets,her eyes were melted into fire from hell,she then busted.

"THAT DOES IT!" Rose yelled pushing me aside. I fumbled back and hit my right side of the corner of the table, I groaned in pain and knew it would leave a bruise. The plates and utensils fell to the floor as it's clinging and crashing echoed the diner.

Rose grabbed his brunette hair and slammed his face to the table. Slowly, from her jean pocket, she grabbed a thick, long and terrifying sheet of shard metal known as "Titan." It was her pet name for her switch blade. It's  thick, tuff and sleek just like her fiery light brown eyes.

She then pointed the tip of metal at the soc who's face turned white, his eyes were whimpering in pain and his grogginess from all the drinking haunted him. The other socs backed up and watched as misery was unfolding. The soc cried for help but the stare in Rose's eyes scared off anyone who would attempt.

"Like I said shit head, What was that? Cat whistling my little sister?" Rose grinned, she liked this kind of stuff. Torture was her only goal to have someone cry and weep for mercy in front of her eyes. The stare in her eyes would put the fear in even Lucifer himself.

"N-nothing"The soc replied, trembling in fear of her. He gripped on the corner of the counter, knuckles turning white as a ghost. She slammed his head again to the counter and laughed.

"What a wimp," Rose said rubbing her hands as she's done dirty work. The soc was rubbing his face and discovered his nose was bleeding tremendously. The blood ran down his face, staining the white jacket he wore. He started shaking as Rose turned back to him, so did the other socs too. They ran out as if they were a rabbit being hunted down by a wolf, a wolf known as Rose.

"Hey,you heathens get out of here,or I'm gonna call the police you devils!" The Diner owner said, barely walking in and observing what was going on.

"Well, we're terribly sorry you're highness."Rose said walking out while putting a middle finger up. I admired Rose's bravery and not being afraid of the consequences of her actions. I heard the rest of the gang making "oooooos" and giggles, we were out of the that eerie place. Thank God. I'd much rather be out in the cold than in that place. I rubbed my tatted arms as the chilly air came through. I caught up with Rose quickly.

"T-thanks Rose," I said looking up at her.

"Hey, no problem sis. It just bothers me when men are such shit heads and think the prettiest girl is there's for sex, not on my watch." She said ruffling my hair, Rose would never let a man treat her poorly. She was fearless and would stand up to anyone. Rose grabbed out a cigarette and took out a match that filled the dark and dreary night sky.

I looked at her and stared. She was such a tom boy, but she had such features of Ma. We never knew our dad, but our mom kept us living until she was shot. The shot killed her. She was running away from the police, from an apparent illegal drug use as I can recall Rose saying.

I know its all sudden to tell but I can't really remember her really. My sister can, it still haunts her today. She was such a sweet and kind hearted girl that every one loved. But when that day came around, the ol' sweet heart girl we knew once changed and was never the same again, now she is 18 and has eyes that are filled with hatred of the world. Outraged, she changed to be with the darkness. It was for Ma's sake not hers. As if a sacrifice to our late mothers spirit. She does not want us to be treated like how our Ma was treated by our dad. Rose told me the stories from when Ma was beaten up by our dad, money, alcohol, the usual as Rose can remember.

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