Chapter 2

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Alpha Gabriel Chambers POV
"Well, that's great." I said with a laugh.
John, on the other hand, was not laughing. He was fuming.
"Those girls are in big fûcking trouble." He stared lowly.

I smirked.

"Don't worry man," I said grabbing a set of keys from the shaking bell boy. "We're going on a hunt."

John nodded, and his eyes glazed over with the same thought I had.

How many ways can we "punish" them when we find them?

Climbing in the Aston Martin, I rolled the windows down, and we sped off after the girls. Following their scent wasn't hard, Tate's was kinda hard to miss once I knew what it was.

"You got the trail?" John asked.

"Yeah I got them." I said back.

A chase. Man I love a good chase. This might be the best day of my life.

I reached a sped of 186 when we spotted the tail lights of the girls' Ferrari.

The car slowed down and pulled to the shoulder of the road letting us pass. Were they stupid? Did they not recognize who was tailing them?

The car came to a stop. I pulled up beside them.

A hobo was in the front seat of the Ferrari. "Mind getting off my ass man?" He shouted.

"They must have gone into the woods." John said with a sigh.

But I smiled. "The woods it is," I said hopping out of the car.

We followed the faint scent into the dark forest. "Come out, come out wherever you are." John shouted.

A branch fell on his head. "Ow shît."

A bunch of giggling followed. Sure enough, I look up in time to see a branch falling toward me. I stepped to the side before it collided with my face.

I was officially annoyed.

"John, it looks like we chased the squirrels up a tree. Should you do the honors or should I?"

"I would love too." John said throwing a dark look at Fi.

"Oooo big bad wolf gonna- uh oh." Fi replied when John pulled the tree up by its roots and shook.

The girls feel to the ground with a crunch.

"MOTHER FUCKER!" Fi yelled.

John ran to her. Tate fell by my feet, looking up at me with fluttering big blue eyes.

"That was unnecessary don't you think?" She said with a scowl.

"Hmmmm? As unnecessary as running off?" I returned.


"She broke her tail bone, upon impact." John stayed with guilt in his voice. He had to shout over Fiona's swearing.


He's in hot water. John pulled out a syringe from his pocket.

"Woah woah woah!" Fi yelled.

"Now wait just a minute." Tate said hopping to her feet arms raised.

"I don't think that's a good idea dude." I said eying him with a concerned look. Where and when did he get those?

Tate tensed. Fist curled. Positioning to lunge. It's like I could feel her anxiety. I grabbed her waist mid air with so much force we both fell back. She growled when John hiked up her dress and plunged to syringe into Fiona's thigh.

"You're gonna g-gonna pa-yyyy." She said slumping in his arms.

"Fi!" Tate struggled out of my arms to crouch next to her snoring friend.

John threw a second syringe at me, but this one Tate intercepted. Quickly she threw it on the ground and crushed it beneath her converse.

I smiled. Her defiance. I love it. "Alright the hard way it is."

But it needs to end right here.

Tate backed up panting for air. Frantically looking between me and her friend in John's arms. "Okay. Okay. No more games. I'll come willingly."

"Good." I said holding out my hand for her to hold. She hesitantly slipped her small calloused hands into him. Much to my surprise. We walked back to the car Fiona's snoring masking the silence.

We were crossing the street, and the Aston Martin gleamed under the moon light.

"So do you-" I started but Tate tripped, slipping from my grasp.

"Ow ow ow." She held her ankle.

"Let me see!" I sank down to her level but her hands covered it.

"Tate let me see."

"No no it hurts. Don't touch." She scrambled.

I pried her hands away, trying to get a good look but she latched onto my arm, pulling herself up.

"I'll be fine."

I shook my head. What is happening?

I helped her to the car, and as we hobbled, John approached the car door.

"Oh man this is a pretty car. Can I start it?" Tate asked.

John shook his head at me.

"Well-"go help him with the car door. I'll start this bad boy." She said pecking me on the check.

SOLD. To the tall blonde with the softest lips.

Tate giggled placing the key into the ignition and the car roared to life. I opened the door for John. "Pussy whipped already man?" He said with a grin.

Putting Fiona in the passenger seat and doing the seat belt with a click and a ding.

We both looked to the source to see Tate shifted into drive.

"Tate don't."

Tires squealed and she took off blowing John and I away while Fiona's door closed abruptly.

The car then came to a halt 50ft away.

Tate popped her head out the window with a grin. "Sayonara fuckers!"

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