Road trip?

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"Oh your mother is gonna have a big fat fit, when she sees this mess." Alberta screeched at the shattered lamp on the floor.

"Tell me something I don't know." Gabe grumbled.

"Any chance someone could give me a heads up for when she arrives, so I can go hide?" I asked quietly.

We all continued to stare at the broken antique.

A slow smirk appeared across gabes face.
"Tate have you ever been to Kapalua?"

"Kapa.. Louie.. whatie?"

"Oh you sneaky little-" Alberta started.

"Tate. Pack your bags. We're going. right now. Before my mother gets home and cuts us all into tiny pieces."

"Wait?! What?! Are you being serious right now?" I shrieked.

Gabe took one look at my state of shock and forcefully moved his lips into mine. His tongue skillfully traced my mouth and lips before pulling away almost too quickly.

"Pack your bags."

Well since he insisted.

I swiftly turned and starting packing  the only things I had/could wear. Excluding the Hilary Clinton suit and anything pink that Gabe had for me was not going into that suit case.

Who'd a thought ALL it took to make me subordinate WAS a simple kiss.

Smh. If  you thought that kiss was just simple, I'd like to see how a complex kiss goes and what it could make you do. My wolf howled mentally with laughter.

Your right. His lips are far more effective then drugs.

Kesha knew a thing or two about that. His love is my drug.


"Okay I'm just going to say it, your beta was a much better driver than you."

The second I zipped up the small black suit case Gabe wheel that and another big suit case down the hall and out the doors, while his beta, Alex pulled the Range Rover into the drive way.

At that point he just loaded up the car with stuff and had a word with Alex, while I got to know the radio.

I flipped through a couple of channels, and surfed to find something decent.


There was some Katy Perry bullshit, and some other stuff that I had no clue about, but none of it was appealing to the ears.

So I just sat there until Gabe started driving and I realizing my mate drove like we were in a high speed cop chase.

I held onto the handle bar so hard my knuckles turned to a weird white shade.

Driving along the coast I had to look out the window toward the ocean. At least I tried, but we were going so fast it was all blurring.

And my stomach and I were not to happy about it.

"Uhhh Gabe..."


"I don't do so well with travel."

"Trust me, you'll like kapaloua. We have a little house there and this little cafe across the street that has these amazing coconut desserts..."

Oh god, I might throw up.

Is he still talking, seriously? Is he that oblivious to see I feel myself practically turning into a pale ghost, and I'm MEXICAN.

Not a white ghost. Like right now.

"Tate did you hear me? You're going to love the humongous tv in the... uh Tate you don't look so good."


"Okay okay I'm pulling over. Sheesh. You really meant it when you said you weren't good with travel."

I opened the door and puked all over the cement road.

I was gonna kill him. He talks way too much, he's way too good looking, he literally can't observe shit, I could go on and on.

I could also go on and on puking.

I felt a warm hand rub my back, hot tears grazed my cheeks. I always hated puking.

"Okay I'm just going to say it," Gabe said copying me from earlier.

"We're about out of gas and we're in the middle of no where."

My life, ladies and gentlemen. I thought still puking my guts up.


When my little episode finally ended I laid back in my seat and closed my eyes.

This was not how I imagined this would go. How my life would go.

"We're going to have to stay the night here in kalaoa, find a hotel." His guilty voice stated.

If I could face palm I would. But I was currently way to nauseous to that, let alone scream at his stupidity.

I felt the car move slower than before, but not slow enough.

I lost track of time, and quickly fell asleep during to exhaustion.

"Tate, sweetie, we're here. Can you walk?" Gabe whispered in my ear. I was vaguely aware of the valet talking to him.

I tried to mumble yes, but it sounded like gibberish so of course he picked me up anyway.

"Let's go get you cleaned up, darlin'."

I tried to open my eyes but my eye lids weren't budging. I felt Gabriel thank the bell man that opened the door, and stop at the concierge.

"Sir are you okay?" A worried female voice asked Gabriel.

"Yes, we're going to need some pepto bismol sent up to the room immediately-some ice, someone needs to go fill up my gas tank, oh and I need a suite, please and thank you."

Spoken like a true privileged alpha boy.

"Of course sir. Anything for you. And if there's anything else I can do for you, just let me know." She said.

I could practically feel her eyes taking of his clothes. I know she was a harmless bug but I was not having it. He was my annoying stupid mate, not hers. Not to mention her voice was starting to piss me off, it was too high.

"Baby, if I hear her annoying voice one more time I'll choke you both to death."

"There's my girl." Gabe said with a chuckle.

"I'm not your anything."

"Well at least it's good to see you haven't change in the past hour and a half you've been asleep."

"Mhm" I mumbled, still refusing to open my eyes.

"Okay but we really need to get you cleaned up, you reek."

"Fuck you."

"As soon as we throw you in the shower and brush those teeth, I'm all yours babe."

"Good to see you haven't changed in the past hour and a half I've been past out."

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