None for you glen coco

939 36 7

3rd personPOV

"What the actual frick frack snicky snack, is she doing here?!"  Gabe whisper yelled.

5 minutes earlier

Gabe and Tate were still at the coffee shop, just talking about "life", and by life mean their favorite tv show, Castle. What were you expecting? Some deep intellectual conversation about the future? A heart to heart moment that would bind them forever? Maybe even a little crazy bathroom hookup? Well news flash this is not Pretty little lairs, and there is no way in hell Gabe would have the slightest amount of patience to teach English to high schoolers.

As per usual, they argued over something as trivial as wether or not the hot dog cart- in the background of the episode they previously watched- actually sold good hot dogs.

"Tate there is no way, that guy has ever sold a good hot dog in his life! I mean did you see how fat he was? His sweat probably dropped into the hot dog water."

Tate was quick to kick Gabe's shin under the table so hard, it even made the alpha male wince. She didn't like him joking about that poor man's weight.

"That was not nice Gabriel.  Besides, his hot dogs were probably so irresistible he ate them all day. Hell if I were him, I would too."

"Right sure, sure. I can see it now, Tate, the hot dog girl." Gabe chuckled at his own joke.

"Hahaha. You're soooo funny!" Tate sneered.

"You know it baby."

"Gabe! What did we talk about? You know I hate it when you refer to me as an infant. I can't believe people use that as a term of endearment! It's completely demeaning."

Gabe sighed. "Only you could find a way to twist around a perfectly adorning word and turn it into an oppressive saying against humanity."

"I didn't say it was oppressive, I said it was demeaning. You wouldn't want me referring to you as a baby would you."

"Honey, you can call me anything you like as long as it's my name your screaming by the end of the night."

"Ew, why must men always say that? Is that really what you guys pride yourselves in, making a girl scream your name during intercourse."

"There it is again you turn something that's supposed to seemingly be a phrase of endearment or lust into a logical phrase deprived of all lust and passion."

"Ya ya.. but admit it. You love it."

"You got me there, but that's not the only thing I love about- what the actual frick frack snicky snack is she doing here?"

Gabe whispered, lowering his head parallel to the table.


"My mom!"

"Oh Shit!"

"oh shit is right, my love."

"Gabe." Tate growled, at the end of that sentence.

"Tate, not now." Gabe said looking at the exit behind his mother and her 2, plural, guards.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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