The cinnamon roll started it

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This is so cringey I highly recommend not going past the numbered chapters. It's not going to make since unless you've read the unedited chapters.

Tate's POV

I woke up my bed that smelt of the ocean, weird it kinda smelt like my mate.

Wait a second.... shitshitshit.

You need to worm your fat booty out of this mess, I yelled at myself. You were supposed to analyze your surrounds, to find an escape route!

But you've got to admit those hands are almost sinful, my wolf purred "NNOOO." I interrupted her.

So i just laid there arguing with myself looking at the ceiling.

My wolf told me it was okay to feel the way I did. But it most certainly was not I told her, I had myself all put together before I looked into his.. I sighed to myself- into his jade green eyes that made you want to do things that.. STAPP.

This was all very confusing. "Enough is enough," my stomach said, " you need food before you do anything drastic."

I sat up, a little dizzy as i walked over to a dresser that had a women's pink suit laid out. I scoffed. Did I look like the type of girl who wore pink? Or a suit? Better question, did I look like Hilary Clinton, uh ya hell to the no.

Instead I snuck into his humongous closet. How could he have more clothes than me? I quickly threw on one of his Grey cloth shirts over my black lacy matching bra and underwear set.

I would like to announce the only reason I wore sexy lingerie was because I feel good in it! That's all.

The shirt covered my butt but exposed my long legs, well so much for the official modest look he set out for me. But I am so not wearing a suit.

Mom practically had to force me to wear the one red dress from last night.

But that's my mom, she can do that sometimes.
Gabe on the other hand, he sure as hell was not allowed to dictate my attire.

I walked toward the white door and slowly pushed the handle down, waiting for it to be locked, or worse I'd run into Gabe.

But oddly the coast was clear. I crept down the long hallway that lined with beautiful pieces of abstract art. Did he paint these?

Nah. He probably took the credit from someone else. Must you always assume the worst of him. My wolf spoke.

Yep that's the mind track most normal people follow when THEY'RE KIDNAPPED.

The hall flowed into a big lounge with coffee colored chairs and sofas along with several flat screen TVs. And 2 big pack members.

I carefully tipped toed away, please don't see me I thought. "What do you think you're doing?" one of them said.

So close, I mumbled. I turned around to see a huge redheaded man probably 23, really built but not as gorgeous as my mate. Okay I really need to work on this whole-my-mind-can't-stopping-thinking-about-him thing. I glared at the him. Nobody gets between food and I.

"Listen little wolfy, I'm hungry, I am getting food and if you think your going to stop me you are very mistaken."

Little red wolf's eyes flashed black. His facial features all set in a hard line.  Red opened his mouth to say something but he immediately straighten, as the smell of the ocean warped my senses, Gabe.

I let out a low growl, and spun around ready to scream at him. For taking me here, laying out that ridiculous suit, and not letting me get my goddamn food, and kidnapping me basically.

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