Mr. Leprechaun

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Tate POV

So it turns out, some female's heat comes faster and more unexpected then others.

The only thing that held true was the fact that my whole body felt like it was on fire.

Just my luck. Which speaking of, I threatened a big ass abusive werewolf, yay me.

I clenched my stomach as it cramped up, And apparently Mr. Big ass leprechaun smelt it to because he was smiling as if he had the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Well, that isn't ironic.

I felt the urge to throw up with him looking at me like that. You know it's pretty easy to tell when someone's eye rapping you.

Of course the one time that clingy mate of mine isn't around is when my body needs him the most.

Back at it again with the ironic problem of the day.

Alright Tate, ignore the pain and focus, I told myself. I have got to get that girl and get out of here, first.

"Charlie, don't!" the girl screamed. "Charlie, she is our luna, if you hurt her we can't be together! Alpha Gabriel will kill you."

"Quiet" he yell.

Nope. You don't talk to a lady like that. One of my biggest pet peeves. Ignorant self righteous assholes who thought women could be ordered around.

I let out a low laugh, that sounded more like a nervous laugh DUE to the fire going on in my body.

No biggy, I always have time to teach a lesson.

"I have a news flash for you Charlie, and my knuckles are begging to tell you." I roared.

Charlie (aka Mr. Leprechaun) stalked toward me with a glare. I held my ground.

Just when Gabriel's beta stepped in front of me. "Charlie, what the fuck is going on here?" He yelled.

Charlie snarled.
"I was having a chat about disrespect to Elena over here when she walked in. She interfered. She is a bad influence. Now my mate thinks that the way I treat her is not okay. So I need to teach her a lesson."

"Like hell you do." said stepping in front of the beta. I gave him one of my most famous glares, the one that could send someone to an early grave.

"If anyone needs a lesson it's you! That is not the way you treat a lady, I see the bruises on her skin, and it's fucking disgusting! The only person that needs to be punished is YOU, and I think I'll enjoy kicking your ass." I said. There was steam practically coming out of my ears.

"I'd like to see you try, Luna," he spat. The heat was killing me my body ached. The ache in my head and my stomach, the fire everywhere and I couldn't do a damn thing about it.

I was beyond pissed! I knew I needed to keep my temper down.

God knows when I got mad like this... bad things happened.
But I couldn't help it. This was Gabriel's fault. He fucking left me!

Forget his gorgeousness he kidnapped me without my consent. There was nothing here for me. I didn't belong here. I wanted back in my purple plush bed, and comforter. I wanted away from all these people. Why was all of this coming to me now? Forget the pull, i'd fight it till my last breath.

No way in hell was I going to be apart of a sadistic, abusive, manipulating, and worthless pack. I was sick of these stupid stereotypes that everyone followed! Why did the men have to be the dominate, why couldn't a female be an alpha, why did these men feel as if they were bloody kings who could have whatever and whoever they wanted. I've beaten plenty of males before! What, they thought they we superior because they said so. I say fuck nature, it could be some mental game they install in our heads. The pull could just be attraction. I couldn't believe it took Gabriel and I being separate from me to realize all this. And Gabe, what was his excuse for not noticing this incident! A girl was beaten by her mate-several times, it looked like- and he did nothing.

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