𝕙𝕖𝕩𝕖𝕤. oko ruto

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You put your flats on and gently put your white generic sneakers into your small, gray locker. A tense feeling came over you, a shuddering creeping feeling as if you were being watched. You slowly looked around suspiciously eyeing at everyone surrounding you, but not trying to seem too paranoid. Before closing your locker, you noticed a note on a spare piece of notebook paper stuck in the grating of the locker. It appeared to be from a fellow classmate. It was your friend Midori Gurin. You smiled as you attempted read it from how messy it was.

Dear (Y/N),

I'm hafing techinical dificluties trieng to email YANDERE DEV! PLEASE COM TO THE RUF!


It was written incredibly messily and had many spelling errors. It seemed as if it was written in haste, which is not unlike Midori seeing as he always was busy. You ran to head to rooftop but felt the note slip out of your hand. As you rushed back to grab it you realized it wasn't there which was extremely odd. You shrugged it off and ran to see your leafy haired friend. Climbing the last step you waved to your green haired gamer.


"(Y/N)! Hi!" He waved enthusiastically without looking up from his phone. You felt someone grab your wrist and pull you into their arms. The arms weren't that strong so it couldn't have been a martial artist, delinquent, or sports club  member.  They covered your face and body in a dark cloak and started running somewhere. You heard a door slam open and close quickly.

The silky cloak was quickly whipped off of you and you were dropped to the floor. You opened your eyes to the pain of my finger being burned. Luckily, it was superficial. You quickly removed your finger from the flame of the candle on the ground sucking air in through your teeth. The figure picked you by your hand and grabbed your shoulders abruptly. Grabbing the back of your head he stared you in the eye. "Give it up."
"Give what up?"
"You know what I mean Succubus."
"Succu- what?"
"Don't play dumb! I know you cast a hex on me!"
"A hex?"
"Y-You really don't know what I'm talking about."
"Then what's this feeling? Every time I'm around you I feel comfortable, warm, loved. Did you cast a spell on me? To make me feel this way? To... Love...You?"
"You L-Love Me?"
"I'll accept your feelings but first I need to know you better."

"That is Acceptable. But believe me...I will abide to this hex put upon me...."

「 Words: 345 」

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