𝕞𝕪 𝕕𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕓𝕠𝕕𝕪𝕘𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕕. umeji kizuguchi

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ANOTHER EDIT: sorry y'all I want to thank you but my brain keeps not working and typing the wrong number. Lol I love you all  
"Ugh, you're so annoying! Just stay on the ground where you belong, brat!" Your bully spat at you for the fourth time in the week. This was normal. It was routine by now, and you were used to the bruises and scratches. After all, they were easily covered up by makeup, that the only nice person in the school helped you do. Mai Waifu, as quiet as she may be, helped you cover up the wounds given to you by Osana and her rainbow hair girl army.

Most people turned away from you, except Mai. Or so you thought. Truth is, there was a delinquent who was angered every time you were beat down, wishing he could smack Osana upside the head. However, if he did the guys would think he went soft. He couldn't hold back that much longer as his restraints grip on him was getting looser and looser. He was there every time. Every day he watched you get beat down. Each time he wanted to kiss you and tell you everything would get better he would make sure of it.

As Osana left, Umeji watched you hold onto the wall for support as you tried to stand up. He saw as Mai Waifu started walking past, but saw you and rushed to help you up. Seeing you have to be helped up.... he had made up his mind. He was going to protect you.

As you entered the bathroom, you cried a little. Mai wiped your tears and sat you on a bucket as she knelt and gently added color corrector to your skin. "Come on.... don't give them the satisfaction of your tears. You know... that boy you liked was looking at you." You blushed, but also cried a little more.

"He probably thinks I'm pathetic and can't stand up for myself. If I couldn't face him before, I sure as hell can't do it now!" you cried out as she rubbed your cheek in a soothing manner as you sniffled and tried to get your breathing back normal. She put some concealer on her finger and rubbed it gently on the bruise, while you winced a little from the pressure. As your tears dried and your makeup was done, Mai helped you up and out of school to your home. You didn't deserve someone as great as her.

You woke up the next morning wincing from the bruises, and thinking about how wrong today can go. However after covering up the bruises you had the gut feeling it wasn't going to be that bad. As you reached the school gates, you were extremely surprised at what was there. Umeji Kizuguchi. Him and all his bad ass glory. A blush found it's way onto my cheeks when I saw him. I angled myself away from him so I would avoid looking at him, but I heard his gruff voice. "Hey! Don't just ignore me like that!" You stopped and nervously shuffled in place. He walked up with one hand in his pocket and one swinging as he walked. He walked confidently with a slight swagger. "Look at me." You refused. "Ay, Look I told you to look-" he breathed for a moment. He held a breath and calmed down. "Please look at me..." you turned around at him with wide eyes. He never hesitated before. He observed your face with furrowed brows. "Ugh come on why do ya put that shit on your face?"
You scrunched your brows, confused.
"To hide the bruises, you saw me get beat up ya know!" You huffed in frustration. He lowered his gaze to your lips, but back up again as he started rubbing off your makeup gently with his thumb .
"Yeah I know, which is why there will be no more of this or that. No more makeup, and no more beatings."
You crossed your arms. Your sudden confidence was strange.
"And how do you suppose that will happen?"
"Because I'm going to protect you from now on."
You froze and tensed up.
"You heard me, wherever you go I'll be there with you. From the time you get to school till when I walk you home. Hell, I'll even walk you to school! "
Your entire face went bright red and stuttered out your last couple of words to him.
He smiled a little, but quickly went back to his tough façade. He put his arm around you and started walking you into school. As you were focused on getting your shoes out of your locker, you didn't see what was going on around. Umeji was punching the air in excitement, with smile and a blush
apparent on his face. However, by the time you looked at him he was leaning against the lockers with a scowl on his face. This routine continued through the day.
When you weren't looking he would sneak glances at you. You looking so determined made him feel fuzzy inside.
When you looked he was watching the teacher with boredom.

You both would be looking at each other and talking however on occasion he would  attempt to sneak and wrap his hand with your smaller one. Once you two saw Osana in the hallway, he quickly wrapped his arm around your shoulder and glared at her.

He had to fight back the urge to want go feed you and as you were eating he got lost in thought. He thought about if you were a couple. Oh, he just wanted to hold you and rock you in his arms. He wanted to be there to distract you lovingly and for you to love him. He wanted you to never pay mind to the kind of person he portrayed, but the kind of person he was.
You had to gently tap him on the shoulder to make him snap back into reality.

It was more boring. However, Umeji had a joy of a time. You had fallen asleep and when the teacher or anyone was paying attention, he snuck a gentle kiss to your forehead.

The walk home was more fun, Umeji had offered to take a longer route that passed by a children's park. You, personally wanting to spend more time with him, said yes. Once you both reached the park Umeji picked you up and ran towards a swing set. At this point, he didn't care if you found out about his feelings. He just wanted to spend time with you. He almost didn't put you down, he just loved the feeling of you being cradled in his arms.

You sat on the swing and let him push your while also kicking your legs. The park was filled with the sounds of your laughter. It was like heaven. However, as Umeji got distracted by your sweet giggles, the swing with you to on it came back and hit him in the stomach. He fell to the ground for a moment. Your eyes widen as you hopped off the swing and kneeled down beside him.
"I'm so so so sorry! Umeji are you all right?!"
All you heard was quiet chuckles which grew louder and louder every second.
"You should've seen your face! Man that hurt like ass. "
"Did you just make a pun?"
"Ya I did. And you know what?" He pulled you on top of him. Your face went into an absolute crimson color. "You're absolutely adorable when you worry." Your face felt like it was throbbing, and then you noticed Umeji's wandering eyes. His eyes went up to yours, then down to your lips. A cycle that continued for a couple seconds before he gripped the back of your head and passionately kissed you.

"I've loved you for such a long time now, I just needed to get that out of my system-" you pulled him back in for another kiss.

"You don't know how happy I am right now Umeji..."

He rested his head on yours and closed his eyes. "I will protect you forever and always..."

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