It All Came Crashing Down

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                   I woke up in a hospital bed. Stood there were my parents, Mr. Johnson and Olivia "Oh my God sweetie! You're awake!" My mother wrapped her arms around me giving me a big hug. "Baby girl are you ok?" My father asked. He looked worried, exhausted and angry. "I'm fine" I sat up in the bed "Fine? Are you serious" scoffed Olivia. I cut my eyes at her giving her a sign to cut it out and not start shit. She crossed her arms rolling her eyes and walked towards the door. "Hope I am so sorry about what ever happened to you. We will get to the bottom of this. Police and all" Mr. Johnson insisted. My heart began to pound just from seeing him stand there, knowing something had happened to me. He probably thinks I'm some weak little girl with boyfriend drama and what not. "Thanks" I couldn't even look him in the eyes speaking to him anymore. The doctor came into the room with a soft smile on his face. "Can I please speak to Hope alone for a second?" He asked politely. Everyone nodded and walked out. I could tell Olivia was pissed. But she didn't have the right to be pissed. I'm the one who should be pissed. "Hi there Hope, how are you feeling?" He asked "Pretty good" "Do you remember anything that happened to you at the party?" "No, not really" And I didn't once I woke up in the hospital bed it seemed like I lost my memory. "You can tell me the truth Hope. I'm only trying to help" The doctor smiled again and put his hand on my shoulder, causing me to flinch. "I said no" not wanting to remember nor discuss it "Hope I ask this because your friend out there told me that she thinks you were raped at some party" My heart started to pound even faster causing my heart monitor to speed up. Once he said 'raped' it all came back to me. The doctor looked at it and could tell something really happened and wrote it down. "Ok, don't worry I'm here to help Hope and there's police outside that needs to know this, your family as well" I couldn't say anything. I felt like my tongue went numb. "I'm going to do some test ok?" I was too scared to do anything. I just nodded my head slowly and laid down flat on my back so he can exam me.


                 Later that afternoon the doctor's came back with the results showing what said to had happen was true. My mother cried and my father went ballistic. His face turned hot red. Olivia covered her mouth in shock, a tear rolled down her cheek. Mr. Johnson looked at me, stared at me. It felt like he was looking through me. I put my head down in shame. My father started to lose his cool "Who the fuck is he! Where the fuck does this little shit live? I'm going to kill him!" He screamed and shouted so loud I felt like the whole hospital could hear him. The cops and doctors had to calm him down. My mother entered the room. "Sweetie" she said in a shaky voice "Mom... Don't" I didn't want to hear how she feels bad and whatever else came with it. I was pissed. "I know baby girl, and I am so hurt to see you this way, I am so sorry I wasn't there to help you baby" She rubbed her hand through my hair. "I'm fine mom" Olivia sniffed and wiped away her tear "I'll let you girls talk" My mom walked out of the room still crying "Hope I--" "You what?" I cut her off before she could finish "I didn't know this was happening to you, where did you wonder off to?" She asked. I wanted to leap off this bed and attack her. "Olivia are you fucking serious? Are you really that dumb? Do you not remember kissing me? Do you not remember embarrassing me in front of everyone! Do you not remember? Are you fucking insane?!" I shouted feeling my face get hot. "I'm so sorry Hope! I was just mad and drunk! You embarrassed me!" "So now you like me? ... Like. Really like me?" I was too pissed to care how I made her feel with my chose of words "So you're a fucking lesbian now? I should've seen this shit coming because you're just a fucking whore A no good mother fucking whore!" I shouted. Olivia face turned bright pink and her eyes began to water. "Ok" She whispered. I knew she felt like crap but I didn't care I was way too heated to care how she felt and it's not like she cared about my feeling setting me up with Kevin. Before Olivia walked out of the room she looked over her shoulder towards me and said "I'm sorry for everything Hope... Everything" She left the room leaving me alone.


How dare she say those things to me! We've been best friends for a minute now. I didn't expect her to jump right into liking me back. But I didn't expect her to bite my head off the way she did. It fucking hurt when she attacked me with those words. I didn't want her to see my emotions but I knew it showed on my face and in my voice. I couldn't help but break down a little, and that fucking Mr. Johnson. Why is she so obsessed with him anyway? He's freaking engaged to what's her face. Ugh I can't stand this. "Hey Olivia" interrupting my thoughts I turned towards the voice facing Mr. Fucking Johnson. "Yes?" I hissed. Annoyed by his presence "I know you're not in the mood, I wouldn't be either if that happened to my friend" He lowered his head. I wanted to kick him in it. If only he knew the whole story. "Yea I guess" I said "How is she doing?" he asked looking into her small door window "Fine I guess" I was too annoyed to talk. Especially to him "I'm going to have a word with her. And get to the bottom of this all" His voice got more serious "Just leave the cops to it, you're just a professor. Not a cop" I snapped "Yes but it is one of my students Olivia" Mr. Johnson crossed his arms "What's going on with you?" He asked "What's it to you? You're no help. Just leave me alone!" He narrowed his eyebrows as I pushed past him leaving out the hospital.


Mr. Johnson entered my room, making my heart speed up once again. Unfortunately the monitor showed it "Whoa relax" He crooked a smile. "Sorry just a lot on my mind" I wasn't lying but I wasn't telling the truth either, or whatever. "Do you remember anything that happened at the party?" he asked sitting on my hospital bed next to me "I remember Olivia and I getting into an argument. Then I left and Tony appeared. Other than that...I'd rather not speak of" He nodded his head "Hope I am so sorry for all of this, I should've been there sooner" "Please, don't do this" I begged "Do what?" He looked me in the eyes. It's not like he really care, I'm pretty sure he's just trying to look like a good professor who cares for his students "Don't blame yourself for this, it's not your fault I'm a big girl and I can handle myself very well, shit happens" I shrugged "Shit does happen but this is not acceptable" "Stop Mr. Johnson!" I shouted. I didn't mean to but I was too embarrassed to go on with this conversation, especially with him. "Please" I whispered. Feeling my eyes become blurry from tears I'm trying to hide. He lifted my chin up. "Keep your head up, Things will turn out fine" I smiled at his comforting words. I felt like we were about to kiss. This is it. He's about to lock his lips onto mine. I leaned in closing my eyes and puckering my lips, noticing that his lips has yet touched mines I snapped my eyes open and saw his face covered in fear and confusion. "Oh my God" I covered my face hoping when I uncovered it he would be gone and this was all a dream. "I... I'm sorry I didn't... I wasn't trying to-" he stuttered "Sorry! Just get out" I said still covering my face. "Ok, but It's alright Hope I-" "Leave!" I said interrupting him pointing to the door. He walked out of my room. I didn't uncover my face until I heard the door close shut. Shit, shit, shit! What the fuck did I just do! How can I be so stupid! I shook my head in disbelief.

Mr. Johnson

"What was that about?" I said sitting down on the chair next to Hope's door. "Maybe I gave her the wrong signals. Maybe I shouldn't have touched her. This is my fault. I should have just kept my hands to myself" "What did you do?" Olivia tapped me on my shoulder. "I didn't do anything" I looked her straight into her eyes. She must know something that Hope hasn't shared. I could tell she was feeling pain. Did she and Hope have a thing? "You kissed her?" Olivia crossed her arms "No I would never kiss one of my students Olivia please don't be ridiculous and I'm engaged." "She fucking has a huge crush on you and you go in there leading her on then don't kiss her?" Olivia scoffed and started to paste around the hallway "You know she wants you right?" Olivia stopped in her tacks and looked me straight into my eyes, she looked into Hopes window. I turned and saw Hope was watching the both of us. Olivia reeked of Alcohol "Cut it out Olivia this is getting very out of hand. And have you been drinking?" I asked "Maybe" she said still staring at Hope. "She's fucking obsessed with you Mr. Johnson. She wants you all to herself! She's obsessed with you and would do anything and I mean anything to get in your pants!" Oliva shouted "That's enough!" I stood up getting uncomfortable "Again! This is inappropriate Ms. Fields! I think it's time for you to leave or I have no choice but to kick you out my class" I hissed. That finally made her look at me "Oh so Ms. Victim in there can try to kiss you and you be alright with that?" she snorted out a laugh "It wasn't like that" I said "Of course it was" Olivia took out a flask and drunk more of what was in there still staring at Hope "I think you had enough of that" I said about to snatch it away but she leaned in and kissed me deep and hard making our teeth bash against each other. Ouch.   

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