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Waiting anxiously at the milkshake spot I saw Olivia's car pull up. I began to get nervous and excited. When she got out the car she saw me through the window and waved to me with a huge smile. I was a little happy to see her but my anger was stronger. I waved back with a soft smile. When she entered the store and walked towards my booth she hugged me tight. "Oh my God I'm so happy you invited me out for a shake. I really missed you it feels like it's been years since we last spoke" Dramatic and bubbly as always. "Same here Olivia, I'm glad you came. We need to really make things better between us" I gave her a fake smile gently putting my hands on top of hers on the table. "I couldn't agree more" She added. The waitress arrived and asked us for our orders. "I'll have the mint chocolate chip shake" Olivia always ordered that, it was her favorite. "I'll have cookie dough" I always like to explore new things. The waitress nodded and walked away. "To be honest I was a little surprised you were able to come out today and this early" Olivia said with a smirk "I got kicked out for a week" I said bluntly Olivia sat quiet for a few seconds "Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear that" "Yea well shit happens" I shrugged. "So how's everything with you?" She added "Everything been shitty"

"Hope I'm very sorry for everything and I really mean it. I was drunk and I didn't mean to hurt you the way I did"

"Here you go ladies" the waitress cut Olivia off handing us our shakes. I sipped mines while Olivia continued to blabber off pouring her heart out. I wanted to throw up "Please forgive me" I licked my lips "Oh Olivia how could I ever stay mad at you. Friends always fight, it's completely normal and very healthy" I said sarcastically. Olivia smiled and began to drink her shake. "You know, since we both don't have to be in class for a little while. Well you forever sadly. Maybe we can book a room and go out" I offered. Olivia looked up at me with a huge smile "I'm in!" She laughed. It amused me how dimwitted she was. "What do you have in mind?" She added "It's a surprise" After our milkshakes we hung out for a while around the neighborhood catching up on things. She told me about how her mom stopped talking to her after the situation and I told her about bumping into a random girl in the hallway almost getting into it with her. It started to get late and I decided we should walk through the park near us even though it was going to rain later "Hope I really am happy about all of this" "Yea, we need to move by this" I added. Olivia stopped in her place "Hope I feel like you're trying to avoid talking about what happened. I do to but I think we should discuss it. It will make both of us feel much better" I stared at her "Ok" Feeling like I'm not going to make it to the hotel I booked to finish her off because she was starting to get to me "Good, so how do you feel now about what happened?" she asked "I feel betrayed Olivia, I feel like you're a no good back stabbing friend" Olivia stood there silent "I understand" "You damn right" I huffed "But I really am truly"

"Sorry, yea, yea" I brushed her off getting more irritated "And then telling Mr. Johnson about your feelings towards him, that wasn't me Hope I was drunk"


"Please don't push me away" Olivia stood closer "And then you, you" I stuttered trying to keep my composer "Kissed him" When she finished my sentence I wanted to attack. I bawled my fist up. "You kissed him" I repeated "Hope, I didn't mean to and I was really hoping you moved past those feelings for him. He's not for you. And I love you, I really want us to be more than friends" I laughed at her for saying that "You're delusional if you really think I'd be more than that with you you're also delusional thinking we're friends already" I could tell that hurt Olivia and I really didn't care. That was only the beginning. "I deserve that but I hope that we can get that relationship back these two days" she smiled slightly trying to hide her feelings being hurt "Oh you deserve much more" I snorted out a laugh. Olivia looked up with fear in her eyes "Kevin told me what you did to him"

"Oh did he?" I smirked raising both my eyebrows

"I can understand why, but you shouldn't of did it Hope, you're better than that"

"Oh please Olivia like you know what's better"

"You're angry now, but it's good that we're getting this off our chest" she started to fiddle with her necklace.

"Yes it is"

"Would you ever hurt me like that?" I stood in silence while the sun was setting. "Hope?" I could tell Olivia was getting more frightened by me not responding but something just went off inside of me. I felt hatred. The sun finally set leaving us surrounded by darkness. The wind began to pick up a little and down came the rain "Olivia, what you did is unforgivable. And you ruined my chances with the love of my life. You turned me into the monster I am today" my voice cracked and tears began to roll down my face, hers as well. "I got yelled at by Mr. Johnson for doing what I did because of you, do you know how it feels to be yelled at by the one you love? He told me I disgust him. Do you know how that made me feel?!"

"I'm so sorry Hope"

"Yea. So am I" I punched Olivia hard in the face causing her to fall back on the muddy grass. I got on top of her and continued to pound her face with my fist. "Get off of me! Someone help!" She shouted at the top of her lungs but the park was empty. I slammed my fist even harder into her face and started to slap her with my nails giving her scratches across her face. I then began to dig my nails in her neck strangling her. She tried fighting me back, but I was too strong. She scratched my face and it gave me a rush. Her screaming, the fighting the scratches she gave me I began to smile with excitement as I continued to choke her and she started to give up becoming weak. Finally her eyes closed. I let her neck go and stared at her while I was still on top. Not caring withier she was dead or alive. I got off on top of her and carried her to the hotel. Thank goodness it was by the park. When I arrived to check in the receptionist questioned me about my friend "Long night, she's super drunk and we got into it with some chicks at the bar" The stupid receptionist fell for it and gave me the room key. Thank God she didn't see her face or else I probably would have not been this lucky. When I got into my room I laid Olivia on the bed and left her there alone muddy and swollen. I brought a bunch of beer and poured them out. I put them all around the room that way when she wakes or if someone found her they'd think she just got wasted. I smiled at my plan, when I was finished I left back to my dorm and went to sleep feeling relieved.      

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