I Get What I Want

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I woke up in the hospital. Confused and scared I started to panic "Help! Help! Someone get her away from me! Keep her away!" The nurses rushed in trying to calm me down. But I was having a major panic attack I began to swing and kicked one nurse. Another nurse came in with a needle. When she stuck me with it I went back to sleep. A few hours later I woke up again still with fear and panic. But my mom was in the room to calm me down. I was also tied up. "Oh Livy what happened to you?" she said in a shaky voice. I could tell she was crying. "Where am I" "You're in the hospital Livy" My mom eyes were red from crying

"I was so worried about you, where did you go? Why didn't you tell me you were heading out?"

"Mom, after what had happened, you weren't talking to me. So I just left not wanting to bother you"

"I would have listened to you Livy. Even if I was mad or wasn't talking to you, that doesn't mean I won't listen and respond back to you"

"I'm sorry mom"

"No, I'm sorry" My mom leaned in and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I couldn't really remember what had happened last night. Except that I was with Hope.

"Hope" I mumbled

"I'm sorry?" my mom asked confused.

"I was with Hope"

My mom's eyes widen "Oh no, where is she? I hope whoever did this to you doesn't still have her."

Clueless she was she had no idea Hope is the one who did this to me.

"She did it mom"

Her eyes widen "Hope did this to you? How could she? Why would she?"

I tried to sit up but the straps held me tight "We got into it when she was in the hospital and when I...you know kissed Mr. Johnson that made her even more upset"

My mom rolled her eyes at the thought of me kissing my professor. "What? So Hope had a thing for you and got jealous that you kissed Mr. Johnson?"

"No...Hope got Jealous because she's practically obsessed...with Mr. Johnson"

My mom covered her mouth in disbelief.


I sat on the bench outside the coffee shop, wondering what my next move was going to be. How will I get Ms. Liz away from Mr. Johnson? I thought about killing her but then Mr. Johnson could possibly lose his- er I mean our unborn child that we can raise together. I saw Ms. Liz getting into her car the other day going home. I didn't see her today. Mr. Johnson must've had her stay home for a little while. I don't blame him, he probably wanted alone time with me anyway. I knew Ms. Liz was due any minute now, Once that baby is born I can take her out. As my thoughts scrambled in my brain I spotted Kevin walking towards me

"Hey" I stood up with a slight smile

"Hello there"

"Are we still down for tonight?" he asked with a smile.

I didn't really feel like doing anything tonight, I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts. Why did I even try to make things right with Kevin?

"Nah I'm not really feeling well, maybe next time"

I saw he was disappointed. I patted his shoulder "Aw don't be sad, I don't want to give you my cold" I lied

"Ok fine next time"

As I was about to leave from his presence he added "I heard Olivia was in the hospital"

With my back turned towards him I rolled my eyes annoyed not caring about her

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