Hate & Revenge

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           Finally arriving to my campus I was super nervous. My palms became sweaty to the point where it felt like I just finished washing my hands and they were still damped. My heart raced like a race horse, my stomach got tight with butterflies. I felt like all eyes were on me and everyone was whispering. I was on my own. I was alone. My best friend betrayed me and now I'm here by myself. It felt like the first day of college all over again, but worse. I sped to my first class, then my second, my third, and finally Mr. Johnson. When I saw him I felt a mixture of emotions. Nervous, scared, exposed, anxious, happy, excited, sexy, hot, horny. "Hey" startling and interrupting me from my thoughts I turned to face Kevin. Shit. I ignored him and walked to my seat. "Can we talk?"

"Can't I'm in class"

"I mean after"

"Quiet Mr. Jenkins class has begun" Mr. Johnson saved me from having to respond to this asshole. As the class proceeded I couldn't help but notice how dashing Mr. Johnson looked. The way his hair was dark with a neat shape up, his beard nicely trimmed. The way his jaw worked when he spoke, very thick and strong. He looked so masculine underneath his suit. His golden brown eyes glittered through his square frame glasses. I closed my eyes picturing what he would look like bare. Muscular I bet. I could imagine his scent sweet of cologne, his body hot and steamy. The way his, sweat would run down my breast making my nipples shine, the softness of his lips touching mines. I imagined sex being dirty with desire as he would bathed my body with his tongue, and finally, Effortless penetration, slick steady strokes ending in intense orgasmic release. "Hope" A deep voice came from behind me. I felt the heat of his breath on the back of my neck giving me goosebumps. I felt his hand rest on my shoulder "Hope, wake up class is over" "Mr. Johnson, you're a work of art" I moaned "What?" I finally snapped out of my fantasy and turned towards the voice. It was Kevin. I didn't even realize I slept throughout the whole lesson "I don't want to talk to you" I stood up and quickly pushed past him. He followed trying to catch up "Hope, please would you just listen?" "Leave me alone!" I shouted feeling tears blur my vision. "Mr. Jenkins, leave Ms. Franz alone" I stopped in my track and turned to face Mr. Johnson. My face grew hot "Move along" Kevin sucked his teeth and walked pass me leaving me and Mr. Johnson alone. "How are you Hope?" his breath smelled like a pack of mints. I wish I could taste his tongue "I'm g-good" I stuttered "That's great to hear, I'm really happy you came to class today. I was worried" worried... for me? That made me smile a little too hard. Trying not to look like a weirdo I bit my bottom lip to keep myself tamed. "Oh, that's sweet" I mumbled "I Hope things aren't going to be awkward for us from what your friend told me" "She's not my friend" I replied quickly "Whoops, Sorry" He smirked. I took a deep breath. I can't believe what huge crush I had on him, I really wanted him to myself and I knew I may never have him which made me angry. Thinking about it I got frustrated and outburst "Would you date a student?" Feeling humiliated I closed my eye and bit my lip even harder scared of his respond and reaction. "I doubt I would. Plus I'm engaged and having a baby. I don't believe this question is really appropriate Hope. Especially coming from you, No offense but what your friend told me and you telling me what she said was true, I'm not really comfortable talking about this" I got even more angry with his respond. Olivia ruined it for me. She took away my chance of getting with him. I hated her, I despised her! And his fiancé, She was in the way of everything "I'm sorry Hope, let's not make this weird" "I'll be fine Mr. Johnson" I gave him a tight smile and left the room.

As I walked out of the room there was Ms. Liz about to enter. I wanted to hurt her. She looked at me with a soft smile "Oh Hope hi! How are you? I heard about what happened. You are a strong beautiful women and I am very glad to see you here right now. God is so good. I hope all is well with you and your family. Mr. Johnson tells me you're a great student. I can't wait to have you in my class next year" She gently squeezed my arm and entered Mr. Johnson room. I couldn't help but cut her with my eyes. I swear if I could shoot laser beams from my eyes she'd be dead. I can't believe he was into her and not me! I peeked in the door window and saw him hugging her, both of them laughing and then kissed. I ran to the bathroom with tears rolling down my face. When I entered I looked at myself in the mirror and saw nothing but ugliness, fatness, foolishness and stupidity. My anger grew stronger causing me to punch the mirror, not only one but two. I fell to the floor as my fist began to ooze blood. The pain hurt but not as bad as my heart. I quickly stood up and ran out of the bathroom with my head down before anyone could see me. I dashed out of the front doors of the building and saw Kevin I wanted to pound him! Right in the face, I wanted to punch him constantly while he tasted nothing but my blood and his own. "Hope" "Fuck off Kevin!" I roared storming past him still with tears in my eyes. He managed to catch up and grabbed my arm "What happened?" He grabbed me a little tighter trying to get my attention making me feel enraged. I turned around quickly striking him in the face so hard he stumbled back. I stared down at him not feeling sorry but in shock of what I just did. He held his nose then looked into his hand publicizing the blood that was leaking from his face, it looked like a horror movie and I couldn't bring myself to help him or see if he was ok. He looked up at me with fear in his eyes. "What's gotten into you?" I continued to stare at him emotionless and walked away leaving him dripping in his own blood mixed with some of mine. Just the way I wanted it. Students saw and quickly ran to his aid. I don't know why but it felt good to punch him in the face. Something has come over me. I've changed. And I liked it.  


I couldn't believe what had happened at the hospital. Now I'm back at home kicked out of college! When my mother heard about the situation she freaked out! She hasn't spoken to me since then, and that was about two days ago. The only thing she would say to me is 'dinner's ready' or 'breakfast is ready' I felt so bad doing what I did especially to my best friend, I ruined my chances with her and I ruined my future just because I let jealousy take over. I should have known Hope would find out I paid Kevin to take her to the party, I just really wanted her to go and he was a babe I knew she had a thing for him even though Mr. Johnson was her top priority. What did she see in that man? He was way older than her and engaged at that. She has some serious issues that have to be solved, she needs help. A therapist, her feelings for him shouldn't be that strong. I wonder how she's doing. For the past two days I worry for her even though I broke her heart and exposed her feelings to Mr. Johnson I still care for her a lot. I hope she can forgive me soon.


Sitting in my dorm room with rage still running through my body, I couldn't believe what I've done a few minutes ago. The fact that I actually punched Kevin in the face shocked me. I was never the type to fight I was always the shy quiet type the one who isolated themselves from the world when I could. But when I punched him it felt great. It felt like sweet medicine for my emotions. Just thinking about it made me want to do it again and again and again. But once I get to Olivia it won't be just a punch to the face. My blood boiled with the thought of her.. I told her everything and I mean everything! She was basically my walking diary. Now that she betrayed me and revealed my secret. I can't let her reveal any more of my secrets especially that one to the whole world. I have to stop it. I have to end her. The thought scared me because I really didn't care doing so, I don't want to go to jail but my love mattered more. She ruined me and now it's my turn to ruin her, but how? I'd have to figure something out and soon. Then once she's out of the way, it'll be Ms. Liz turn. That bitch has it coming to her I laid on the bed drifting off to sleep with a smile across my face.     

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