The Start Of Revenge

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             The next morning I quickly got dressed and ran out my dorm room bumping into some random. "Excuse you" she snapped "Watch were you're going" I snapped back. "You ran into me!" "What you going to do about it?" I stood closer in front of her hoping she would start with me so I can finish it. I was hungry for a fight, with anyone. As much anger I had inside fighting was my release and I didn't care who it was with. "Knock it off ladies" A teacher said walking towards us. I didn't know who she was. "Walk away" she added. The girl rolled her eyes and continued to her destination as I watched, angry nothing happened. "You, you're wanted in the office" the teacher said to me in a serious tone "Why?" I asked acting dumbfounded "Just go" annoyed with her presence I walked to the office and standing there was Mr. Johnson. My heart started to pound so hard it felt like everyone could hear it. "Ms. Franz we need to talk about yesterday's situation" I could talk to him all day if I could. But that wasn't what I would like to discuss. "Please have a seat" I sat down trying to actually listen and pay attention to what he had to say, instead I kept on looking at him fantasying. "What happened yesterday?" "Nothing" I lied "Do not lie to me Ms. Franz!" His voice had more bases in it startling me "Why did you punch Mr. Jenkins?"

"He was bothering me"

"How?" He raised an eyebrow

"He kept following me and I told him to leave me alone and he didn't"

"So you punched him?"

"Duh, isn't that what they told you? Whoever snitched?" I said with attitude

"Watch your tone Ms. Franz"

"How about no. I can speak however I want. It is a free country right?" I said sarcastically "That's enough! What's gotten into you?" He stood up slamming the desk with anger causing me to jump a little "Mr. Johnson" a soft voice came from behind me. I turned around to see who it was and it was Ms. Liz "Oh hi Ms. Liz how can I help you?" He said softly trying to organize his desk, blazer and tie. He was head over heels for this women and seeing him act this way with her while yelling at me made me even more resentful. "Am I interrupting something? I can come back later" "No, no please. Go on what's wrong? How's the baby? Is everything ok?" He made me want to gag. I turned to face Ms. Liz "Yes Ms. Liz you're interrupting our time together, can't you see?" I added sarcastically "Enough" Mr. Johnson hissed I turned back facing him and gave him a wink. Ms. Liz continued ignoring me "Everything is fine with the baby. Just needed you for a minute outside" "Sure, no problem" He said with a smile. As he got up to leave he leaned down towards me and whispered "We aren't done here" and left. "We sure aren't" I mumbled looking at them through the little window on the door. They were smiling, laughing and touching. My blood began to boil again I despised her! After a few long minutes with her he finally returned to me "Back to what we were talking about" He had a stern tone. I wish he had a sweet voice when he spoke to me and I wish he would touch me like the way he touched Ms. Liz "Yes, back to what we were discussing before you let Ms. Rude disrupt us" I said without hesitation. I was pissed and he wasn't giving me the kind of attention I wanted "Excuse me?" "You're excused. Now can I leave?"

"Ms. Franz"

"Mr. Johnson"

"Knock it off"

"You knock it off"

"Stop being such a child!" When he said that to me, I lost it

"Excuse me? A child! How about you stop fucking around with that bitch and focus on something a little more fun" I licked my lips sexually towards him and winked

"That does it! Get out of here right now! I don't want to see you for this whole week! You disgust me!" That infuriated me I stood up quickly and kicked the chair "You don't know what you're missing Mr. J you will be mine" I turned away from him and left the room leaving Mr. Johnson alone. As I was walking I saw Ms. Liz smiling at me "Hi Hope I heard what happened if you ever need to talk you can speak to me ok" I stopped and glared at her, I wanted to push her down a flight of stairs "How about you stop acting like you give a shit and stay away from Mr. Johnson for your own good" I hissed. Man I was on a roll "Excuse me" "Have a nice day Liz" I walked past her not regretting a thing I said I was bad ass. I wanted Mr. Johnson and I wasn't going to stop until I had him.  

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