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Looking out the small window frame in my door I saw the two of them kiss. They kissed... I felt my blood began to boil and my face grew hot the lump was back in my throat, my eyes blurred with tears trying to fight its way out. I hated her... I hated her and didn't want anything to do with her. How dare she do this to me? She was suppose too be my 'best friend' I wanted to physically hurt her and hurt her bad.


"Get out of here now! You will be suspended Ms. Fields!" I hollered "My fucking pleasure Mr. Johnson I would hate to come between you and Hope!" Olivia cracked Hope's door open and shouted "Sorry for being such a fucking whore!" she slammed the door and stormed out of the hallway into the stairway. I rubbed my hand through my hair trying to get my thoughts together. "Did that just happen? What the hell is going on with my students?" I looked behind me into Hopes window. She was staring at me and I could tell she was pissed. Was Olivia telling me the truth? Did Hope really have those feelings towards me? Or was Olivia just jealous Hope has a small crush over me and exaggerated about it. Then kissed me to make her jealous? What the hell is going on?


I knew I messed up big time but I'm so sick and tired of this mess! It needed to stop! I screwed up by kissing Mr. Johnson and it wasn't my intention on doing so but I couldn't control myself. I was just so mad watching Hope stare at us and then seeing her lean in to kiss him. It just showed that things were getting very serious with her and him. I didn't mean to hurt her but everything she said to me about me being a whore and how she really liked Mr. Johnson I just finally lost it. I felt like I had no chance of being with her. Now I definitely don't.


I couldn't believe Olivia. What did she say to him? I feel like she told him everything! What is her problem? Can't she tell she ruined my life already? Can't she see I'm going through enough! I was raped by fucking Tony and here she is making it all about her as always! I can't believe this! Mr. Johnson entered my room, but didn't step all the way in "Hope, it's pretty late. I'm going start heading home...Get some rest" He began to close the door but I stopped him "She told you didn't she?" I mumbled feeling numb "Yea" He said not giving me eye contact like he usually do. He seemed embarrassed himself or uncomfortable at that. I lowered my head "Goodnight" He said as he closed the door gently leaving me alone once again. I was filled with mixed emotions I felt myself began to get anxiety, become scared, then sad....And then I was furious. I slammed my fist on my bed and let out a scream "Fuck!!!" I felt myself began to lose control it was as if something took over...  

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