The Start

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    Being 17 years old is very monumental in a person's life. I hate the thought of growing up and getting old. I was never the kind of person who was mature. I would always play around and be wild with my friends. I grew up in a normal home. With two parents, I was constantly watched and I would never do anything against their word. I had two sisters and a group of friends who always included them in everything. I was extraverted and shy at the same time. My life was normal until that night we met. When the night was full of terror.

Enough about me, let me tell you everything that happened.

Part 1

I woke up from the glare of the sun in my face as I felt the grass along my back. I sat up and saw a beautiful field of flowers that went on for hundreds of miles in every direction. I didn't know where to go or what to do. So I followed my gut and walked. As I passed by the flowers I noticed the variety of colors that I knew couldn't exist in real life.

"Am I dreaming?' I asked myself.

My body felt numb and I felt like i was walking but as if I was still asleep. I kept walking for about an hour. I felt as if I was going nowhere. Tears ran through my cheeks. I was confused and I was in shock. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. A couple hours ago I was in my bed, asleep; and worrying about my final I had the next day.

I was wearing green pants and a green t-shirt, I couldn't understand why.

As I kept walking, I could see a girl who was walking in the same direction. She was wearing the exact same thing as I was wearing but with the color blue.

I couldn't believe it and I began to yell.

"Hey! Over here! I'm confused and I don't know where I'm going!"

She turned around and began to run. I continued to follow her. As I was running a gust of water hit me and I was pushed back a couple feet. As I got up she wasn't there. I decided to keep walking that direction. I thought if she was going that direction, there might be something there.

I kept walking and I felt as if I was walking asleep. I knew what I was doing i just couldn't control what i was doing. I felt motionless but I was clearly moving. As night arose, I quickly could see something from a distance. It was an orange light. I proceeded to follow it.

I as if I was walking for miles and miles but I could never get closer. I kept walking, and I couldn't do it anymore.

I just remember screaming at the top of my lungs and I collapsed to my knees. I looked up at the sky and began to whimper in pain.

My feet were full of blisters and couldn't walk anymore.

I looked up at the sky which was lit up by stars.

I never saw the moon and I was confused.

I began to whisper "all will come if i just ask"

After whispering this sentence repeatedly I began to feel better. I felt a click in my spine and I felt liberated. I began to walk again.

When I was walking, I got closer to the orange light.

It soon became yellow and I noticed it was a small tower. I kept walking and and I soon got to the front of the tower.

It was beautiful, it had white bricks and it was tall and magnificent.

I proceeded to enter, there was nothing inside and it was dark. I walked again and I felt lost. Which was impossible because the tower only had a small platform inside.

I walked for a couple minutes and then the tower began glow inside. everything was green. my clothes then turned white. It was beautiful, it was almost neon green. I kept walking and I found a spiral stair case.

There wasn't any handles so I walked up cautiously.

The green light that made the entire tower glow got brighter.

I never noticed but my clothes were somehow taken of. I proceeded to the top where there was a green emerald.

It started to vibrate and began to float in front of me. I then saw that it split into 6 different pieces. it began to hover and lashed out to my body.

One of them flew into my forehead, and dissolved. As if it became a part of me.

Then it was followed by the rest. They went to both of my wrists and both of my ankles. Then the largest one flew into my chest.

I began to float and I gelt a presence in my body. As if i had unimaginable powers. I began to pass through the towers wall. I looked down and I saw the field of flowers I was floating over them and i was floating the direction that I came from. I was floating about 10 feet off the ground and I was moving forward.

I began to go faster and faster. I couldn't understand where I was going. I was astonished by the beauty of everything, then I began to pass a beam of light. Where I saw images of all kind of things. I reached into the beam and my arm disappeared i brought it back, then if came back little by little.

I regained control of my body and i saw earth. I didn't know what to do. then i heard the words "AIM!'. With a whispered yell.

I felt as if i was flying. I assumed the voice was telling me to fly towards my house. I began to fly towards the location of my city first.

I was in outer space so i thrusted forward. and began to fly towards earth. I saw my state and aimed for that direction.

As i descending down i felt heat and soon there was heat all over my body. i never lit on fire, i just felt the heat. i then was immediately in front of my house. where i saw the girl i saw in the field across from my house. i didn't know why but i just went through my house.

I felt like a ghost passing through walls.

I then went my bed. Where i saw myself. I knew it was me because I was in my bed and it was my body. I looked at myself and i noticed i didn't have a face. Frightened I was hesitant to look.

I couldn't control myself and I got closer and closer. I then got in the same position. i couldn't get back into my body. I then fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up. The sun was in my face and i was in bed.

I went to my mirror and said "Did I just astral project?"

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