Part 7: Metamorphosis

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We were in a ghost town, there was buildings but no one in there. The buildings seemed old and eroded. The sky was pink and the ground was purple. The ground seemed as if it was grave.

"Ok, let's split up." Jocelyn said.

We began to walk to around. 

Suddenly our suits began to glow with our colors on them.

"Woah..." we said.

I began to hover to look at what was making that noise.

Suddenly everyone followed me up. We were hovering about thirty feet off the ground and looking at a distance.

"That looks so pretty." Bryanna said.

"I hate pink." Amber added.

"We should find a way out, this place doesn't look natural." Cassy said.

"Can we stay for just a little bit, I want to explore." Sean added.

"OKAY DORA!... Get it? Does anyone else not get it?" Vivian said as she began to giggle.

"Lets stop playing around, we could be in serious danger. We don't even know if our powers could last here that long." Rosa said.

"I agree with Rosa, we need to stick together and find a way out." Jocelyn said.

Suddenly there was a heavy rumble on the ground. We knew something was out there but we didn't know what. Until we heard a familiar scream. It was the creature.

"Hey guys...." I said while they were hovering and talking behind me.

They turned around.

"LOOK!" I said in terror.

"Oh no, get ready!" Ivanna said as she flew up.

"Gio, can you teleport closer to see how many there are?" Jocelyn asked.


She disappeared and came back in a split second.

"There's thousands!" She yelled as she came back.

"Ok, lets head the opposite direction." Jocelyn said as we saw hundreds of black dots from a distance.

We began to all fly fast towards the opposite way from the were coming. We had our hands to our sides, feet pointed, and our heads looking forward.

We began to lose the hundreds of creatures behind us. Suddenly we began to fly slower.

Just as we got comfortable, we saw many more in front of us.

"Everyone get ready to fight!" I yelled.

We all began to hover higher, we all extended our arms and our eyes began to glow. It sounds weird but I love it when my eyes glow, I can only see my favorite color. Which is green. I could obviously see everything else, but there's just a green tint to everything.

"Amber, start a fire!" Bryanna yelled.

Amber went forward and held her arms up. She began to hold her arms toward the ground. Her eyes began to glow into a brighter red. Suddenly she struck out flames from her palms. She made a giant line of fire, separating us from the creature.

"Everyone get ready" Sean said.

We all began to get in position and separate.

Everyone began to charge forward as the creatures and my group collide. My sisters looked like monkeys leaping from one creature to the other, ripping their heads off.

I began to focus as i extended my hands outward. There was a rumble one the ground. Suddenly i heard cracking, as if the ground beneath me was cracking. 

"Maybe there's plants down there." I told myself as I eagerly lifted my arms.

Suddenly giant boulders lifted from the ground, they had a green outline that glowed. If i controlled nature, I guess rock bending is part of nature.

"Cool!" Sean said as he was shredding the monsters into pieces.

I lifter up three giant boulders and threw them over a giant pack of creatures.

I then became annoyed because some of them would just break through the rock. I extended my arms again and became to concentrate. Suddenly I felt a soft tingle towards the insides of my wrists. I began to grow giant vines out of both wrists. They glowed green, then suddenly my suit started to glow. I began to pass everyone who was fighting.

I just remember holding my arms out and my vines growing, grabbing each creature and crushing them with the vines.

The rest of my group finished off the rest of the creatures.

I began to feel drowsy as i defended towards the floor.

I collapsed and slowly went to sleep. 

I remember being picked up by some type of unknown being. She had pink hair and flawless skin.

I would slightly open my eyes and see her staring down at me.

I work up and looked like i was on top of a palm. I looked up and saw the girls face, She was giant. I looked to my right and I saw half of my group flying as the alien walked holding me.

I looked to my left and saw the rest of my group looking at me.

"He's awake!" The girl said.

"Hi, I'm GIGI." She said as she looked down at me.

"You guys are badass, but you guys are so tiny and chunti."

"What's that" Bryanna asked.

"Forget it." Gigi responded as she looked at us. "I already met your group, they told me everything and I'm taking you guys back home."

"Ok cool" I responded. 

"I think I can fly now." I said. 

"No, you stay down." Gigi said as she put her finger down against my body and made me setback down.

"I don't feel that well." Jocelyn said.

Jocelyn began to fall down. We weren't that high so she hit the ground hard but not too hard.

She was on the ground, suddenly as we were flying towards her she was growing a crystalized cocoon around her. 

"What's that, it's so pretty and shiny" Vivi said. 

"Wait I think she's transitioning..."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Sean asked.

"Okay, so remember how I said your suits may enhance your powers?"

"Yeah" We all responded eagerly.

"Well the suit kinda has that same crystal you guys found. But it's in the clothing. She's basically getting more powerful. This will only take a minute." She said.

Suddenly Jocelyn began to glow in her crystal. It began to crack and the inside began to glow even brighter.

A crack ran down the cocoon as it bursted open. Jocelyn was laying down on her stomach, she had something that was slimy on her back.

"What's that?" Rosa asked.

"OMG! She got wings!" Vivian yelled.

They began to extend and dry off, They were beautiful white feathers that looked magnificent. 

She shot up to the sky faster than what we have ever flyer before. She was glowing as she came down closer to us. She then started to glow even brighter. She slapped her wings towards us. White blades shot out of her wings and pieced the ground. They were her feathers but crystalized.

"I WANT WINGS!" Rosa and Bryanna yelled at the same time.

"She's not part god, she's part angel." Vivian said as she covered her mouth.

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