Part 6: Lost

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"Hey cuties!" We heard a voice from a distance.

"I saw you guys coming, and I was expecting y'all" A girl said as she looked at us.

"Oh honey, ya'll look fucked up. I have new outfits..... Hey Damie! (short for Damien) I'm a telepath and I read all your minds. I basically know everything about each of you."

"Who are you?" Cassy asked.

"I'm Vivian Rockefeller, you can call me Vivi"

"Hello..." everyone mumbled awkwardly.

"We're going to be best friends, I already know it! Follow me!"

She walked in 6 inch heels and wore pearls. I could tell she had a lot of money.

We were walking in downtown Tokyo. The locals were staring at us weird as we passed them.

We kept walking until we walked in front of a gold sky scrapper.

"Here's my little Tokyo house, isn't it just adorable!?" She said as she played with her hair.

"Damn, I wish this was my little Tokyo house." Sean said.

Rosa punched him and began to laugh.

We walked in where the doormen greeted us.

"Hey Klein, take me to the chamber."  She said as she threw her purse at him.

We followed her into the elevator.

"I knew you guys would come, I saw it in my vision! I know the world is about to end. Did you guys already know that? I thought you did... anyways I love this little city. My dad is getting oil for his new company. Did I mention that this city is cute? i probably already did..."

She kept talking and we were all listening. I loved Vivian, she had a good attitude. Even though the world was going to end she was still happy.

"Why are we going so high up?" Bryanna whispered as Vivi kept talking.


"Oh look we're here." Vivian said as she finished her sentence.

It was a grey chamber, lit up in multiple colors. There was all kinds of test tubes and different kinds of machines all over the place.

"This is my chamber, or lab. Call it what you want. This is where momma does her work." She said as we looked around eagerly.

"What's this?" Sean picked up a lipstick.

"Don't touch that! It's an atomic bomb that will detonate if you mess with it." Vivian yelled.

We all backed away as Vivian grabbed it and threw it in a box.

"We're gonna die." Amber said as she began to giggle.

"No you're not silly willy!" Vivian said. "Follow me sluts."

We all followed her into a hallway. There were windows on both sides of hallways with a platform inside them.

"These are yours" She said as she pressed a button on the wall.

Arose mannequins in our body structure from a platform on the bottom. They had grey suits with the outline of our color on them. They had gloves on them. And I'm not gonna lie they looked bad ass.

"They all can withstand your powers and in many cases enhance your powers." She pressed a button.

There was a sudden gush of fire across all the suits.

"SEE!" She said as she started jumping up and down.

She pressed another button.

The chamber suddenly became cold, the windows became frozen.

"They could not only withstand extreme temperatures but they can resist foreign powers."

She climbed up to a suit with a bright glowing color. Almost gold. She grabbed it off the mannequin and took off her clothes in front of us.

Rosa immediately put her hand over Sean's eyes. Amber and Jocelyn did the same to me.

"Babe I wasn't looking" Sean said.

"Yeah sure" Rosa said as she continued to hold her hand up.

The suit was tight and it fit her body perfectly. It was grey with detail all over it.

"When you use your powers, your energy powers the suit and you glow more. Now you guys try!"

We all ran eagerly to our corresponding colors.

I put myn on, It had a green collar and green sleeves. It also fit perfectly. Everyone had their suits on.

My sisters were left out.

"What about us?" Ivanna said.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot." She pressed another button.

Behind her there were 2 suits of the color white. They had weird fabric.

"That's badass!" They both said as the ran up to the suits and put them on.

"Is everyone ready?" Vivian said as she pressed a lever.

A giant door opened in front of us. "C'mon y'all we need to hurry if we're going to Paris!"

She went to the edge of the building as she let herself go. She began to fall.

We all ran towards the edge to see where she went. A sudden gush of air hit us as she flew up faster than light.

"C'mon guys it's fun!" She yelled as she swirled up in the air.

Sean picked up Rosa. "Come on babe."

"Sean! PUT ME DOWN!" Rosa said in terror.

He ran towards the edge and jumped.

We all began to run and jump. I had my arms by my side. I dove head first and i was going fast. We suddenly began to lift together.

I extended my arms and i went higher.

"You're getting the hang of this, aren't you honey buns?" Jocelyn said as she hovered next to me.

"Jocelyn, make us invisible!" Vivian said.

"How?" Jocelyn added.

"You bend light don't you? Just think about it and do it." Vivian said. We all held hands.

I closed my eyes when suddenly, we all started to see the same lights.


"STOP!" Cassy yelled.

We were suddenly in a different place, hovering 2 feet off the ground.

We descended down and got on our feet.

"Shit, you sent us to another dimension. Get us back!" Vivian said.

"I can't, I'm too weak." Gio said.

We all started to panic. The ground was purple and the sky was pink with green streaks on it. As if they were the 'Northern Lights'.

Amber and Cassy fell to their knees as Rosa and Sean hugged. We all looked at each other.

"Shit we're gonna die again" Amber said as she giggled.

There was a sudden scream, Just like the one back in our home town. It sounded like there were millions of them.

"Yup, we're dead" Bryanna added.

"At least we look cute in our new suits" Vivian said.

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