Part 3: New Friends

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There I was, at school. I was staring into my locker. I still couldn't understand what had happened. Even though a couple months had passed I was still in shock. Life went on and I was numb.

I felt cold, soft hands over my eyes. Someone was behind me blocking my vision.

"Jocelyn?" I asked in delight.

"Hey honey buns! How'd you know it was me?" she continued as she laughed.

"It was a wild guess." I answered while laughing.

"Well how are holding up?" She asked.

"I'm good"

"Cool.... Hey look. There's Rosa."

Rosa walked passed us and grinned.

"She's so popular"Jocelyn added.

"Just a little." I said defensively.

Rosa walked to the middle of the hallway and in the middle Sean met up with her.

They both began to kiss passionately.

"GET A ROOM" Someone in the hallway yelled.

"Wow, they do need a room..." Jocelyn said.


"Hey look, here comes Amber." She said in an excited tone.

"Hey guys I feel sick..." She said as she ran into the restroom to throw up.

Jocelyn and I began to laugh.

We proceeded to walk to class.

We went our separate ways. As I walked into class, I noticed an unfamiliar face.

"Ok class, please give your attention to our new student." Mrs. Tubbs said.

The thin girl with curly hair stood up.

"Hello, my name is Bryanna Oxford. I'm from Long Beach California."

"Hello..." The entire class mumbled as Bryanna sat back down.

Bryanna looked familiar. I couldn't understand why.

The rest of the day went on and I was completely bored. I spent most of my time in class reliving that day. I couldn't understand what had happened.

Then many hours passed in a blink of an eye. I found myself going home. I then realized i forgot my gym clothes in the locker room. I need them for tomorrow if i wanted to get a good grade for P.E. I then walked towards the gym.

I finally got to the gym where I opened the door. I went into the locker room, as I was opening my locker I heard voices in the gym. They sounded familiar and it was pretty late at school.

I walked and the closer I got, the louder the voices got. They sounded like my friends and I was too curious as to what they were doing.

"You need to focus ladies. We can't fight them when we have sloppy combat!"

"Bryanna keeps getting in my way and i can't go as high!"

"Maybe you're in my way ROSA!!"

"Okay ladies... Get in formation."

I saw Jocelyn in the middle with Rosa on her right side and Bryanna on her left side. Sean was on the floor with football pads and a shield.

"READY?!" Jocelyn yelled.

"Ready." Bryanna and Rosa responded.

I remember seeing Jocelyn's eyes glow. They were white and they lit up the gym. Her eyes began to dim. She began to hover. Her head tilted back and she arose with her feet together and her hands at her side.

Bryanna followed, but her eyes were a lighter shade of white.

Seconds after Rosa arose, here eyes were purple.

They were all glowing as they were hovering high off the ground.

Sean eyes began to turn black, with swift arm movements he made a forcefield around himself it was as if it was made of smoke.

"IM READY" Sean yelled.

Together they lifted their arms. They all held hands and let go seconds after.

They looked at each other.

Then suddenly Jocelyn held her arms toward Sean.

"I'm sorry, if you get hurt"

Jocelyn began to glow brighter and brighter.

She then charged out a beam of light which expelled from the palm of her and.

Sean continued to block the shot.

Bryanna arose higher and began to do quick motions in the air. Suddenly the entire room was gushing with air. She struck Sean with a whip. Which looked like air. Her left arm began to go in circles and the was a small tornado lifting Sean up.

Along with his forcefield, Sean was hovering.

"NOW ROSA!" Jocelyn yelled.

Her voice sounded as if their were dozens of her speaking at the same time.

Rosa began to glow purple and suddenly she stuck Sean with beams of purple light. Breaking Sean's forcefield and making him fall to the ground. They kept striking at him.

Suddenly Sean began to hover.

"You guys need to train harder." Sean said with a grin.

Sean began to open his mouth with his head tilted back.


Jocelyn began to open his mouth, and tilt here head back.

Sean started shooting a constant beam of light out of his mouth. It was black but it stilled glowed. Then beams came out of his eyes and palms. The black light surrounded the gym. It looks like smoke was also surrounding it.

"JOCELYN! NOW!" Bryanna yelled.

Jocelyn began to have the same beams coming out of every partisan of her body. The entire gym began to rumble.

Rosa floated next to Bryanna.

"So who do you think is gonna win?" Rosa asked.

"It's a close one." Bryanna added while smiling.

Suddenly the white light began to consume the gym.

Sean was starting to give out. He kept sending pulses of his light, trying to consume the white light.

I heard keys from a distance.

"OH SHIT, GO DOWN" Sean yelled.

Everyone flew down quickly and landed on their feet with a heavy impact.


They all ran out and I ran into the locker room.

I took a different exit.

I watched them pass by as I sat at a corner, eagerly eavesdropping.

"You guys are getting better" Sean said in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh please Sean, we're ten times more powerful than you." Jocelyn said while laughing.

"Hey, his powers take longer to develop. He doesn't have the power of bright light like some of us." Rosa said obnoxiously.

"Thanks babe" Sean added.

They began to make out. Rosa tripped and they fell to the floor. Both of them started laughing and began to kiss again.

What the fuck was I watching?

This is some weird shit and I'm gonna find out what's going on...



In this dimension, their god has made humans half god and half animal. Some where given extraordinary powers due to the fact that they were more god than animal. They could only manipulate one of his powers.

Nature, Water, Air, Fire, Light, Darkness, Time, Teleportation, Etc.

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