Part 2: Society

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We're born into a small bubble known as society. We don't really see the world until we get really old. Most of the time, people die without seeing our world and how fucked up it really is.

Can you tell I hate our society?

Part 2

It was a normal day. I woke up, got ready, and left to school. I left my house everyday with a normal routine. I would always walk out around the same time as my neighbor and wave awkwardly as she shrugged and kept walking. She probably thought I was weird. She had blond hair and blue eyes. Her name was Cassy and we've gone to school together for as long as I could remember.

After i awkwardly wave I usually forget something in my house that's 'important'. Letting her walk a couple blocks so I don't seem like a stalker.

She seemed different, I didn't know what was going on but I began to seem different as soon as I though of my dream.

I saw her in my dream and I don't understand why.

I went to my locker where I was accompanied by my friend, Amber. A tall, freckled, red head who was always by my side. you could say she was my partner in crime.

Then followed Sean, a black haired freak. He was one of my closest friends along with Amber. They would always meet me by my locker, since I was in the middle of both of them.

"Did you do your Economics homework"

I uttered "No..."

As those words came out my lips Cassy passed by. She was looking down, and holding her text books with her two arms.

I wanted to ask her if she had ever had weird dreams like myn, but I didn't want to seem weird.

"Hey Damien!" (That's my name in this story) "Are you there bud?"

"Oh yeah, sorry." I responded in confusion.

"He's thinking about how he's going to fail because he didn't do his Economics homework!" Amber yelled.

"I'll get it done,i just had a rough night"

"Ok, I don't care.... Wanna go to Starbucks?"

"Amber I have to do my homework..."

"Just come, anyways homework is for home"

"First period starts at 8:30, we have 40 minutes." Sean added.

"Fine I'll go"

We kept walking towards the parking lot where Amber parked her car. We immediately got in.

"Why are you so quiet?" Sean asked.

"Oh it's nothing, I just think I'm getting sick"

"Oh ok, don't get me sick"

Amber was driving pretty fast. As if she was in a rush.

While driving i realized that our society was stupid. I don't know if i was just delusional but i kept thinking about that. Why do we have schools, street lights, and government. I don't know why i was thinking that way.

As we were driving i was looking out the window. Both Amber and Sean were having a conversation. I had been ignoring them as I kept looking out the window.

"OH SHIT!" Sean yelled


"We're getting pulled over. Act cool..." Sean whispered.

"Throw my weed out the window!" Amber yelled as she through a bag at me.

"My window doesn't roll down."

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