Part 9: The Crowning

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"Sorry I'm late." A girl with blonde hair came up to us.

"I'm Yadira, wait... who are you guys?" She said as she began to laugh.

"There was too much traffic. I almost ran into a flock of birds when I was flying here." She said as she had feathers all over her.

"Yah... almost." Diego said.

"Whatever!" Yadira responded. "Cute outfits by the way."

"Thanks." We said as we looked at each other.

"Anyways, lets get this over with." Sanaz said.

We walked towards the inside of the Eiffel tower.

"Ivanna, you can unfreeze time again." Jocelyn said as everyone went back to normal.

Time continued as we began to walk.

We kept walking towards the middle of the Eiffel Tower. We saw a door and immediately got drawn to it.

We went down the stairs and began to climb down them. There were many fights of stairs, they felt as if they were infinite.

"We're getting close, I can smell it..." Sean said.

"How does a place like this even smell?" Diego asked. "This reminds me, do I have homework? Wait never mind, the world is ended.LOL"

"EFFF!" Sarah said. As she almost fell.

Just as Sarah said that, Sanaz began to tumble down the stairs.

"Guys I'm shook..." San said as she regained her balance.

We all began to laugh, suddenly I remembered what being a teenager felt like.

We got to the bottom, where it looked like a cavern. It was dark and gloomy.

Jocelyn began to focus as she held here two fingers to her temple. Her eyes began to glow, and suddenly they were like two flashlights.

We kept walking, you could hear the echo of our footsteps as we kept walking.

"I'm still confused, why are we here" I asked.

"In ancient history, this was the spot where humans were born. They dispersed and became isolated into different societies. The Eiffel Tower was built as a fortress, to guard the most powerful crystal in the world. No one has actually succeeded in retrieving it."

"But wait how does that help us?" Sean asked.

"It helps us because this crystal is so powerful it can change our future. However there's no guarantee that we will still have our powers. We can posses the power into sending our earth into a different dimension much similar than ours. We will function the same, we might not even notice that it happened. But deep down we know that we were once different. Leading to cases of major deja-vu and weird dreams about what your life used to be like." Alyson added.

"It is said in the prophecy that a group of extraordinary individuals with be able to mend the power together and save this world, if a person touches the crystal alone, they will disintegrate into dust. Leaving their soul trapped and they'll never rest." Yadira said.

"We hope to be this group, we were raised in Canada from different parts of the world. The same thing that happened to you guys happened to us. We were somehow put together, it was our destiny to save the world." Diego added as we kept walking.

"Everyone is supposed to have these powers, but no one believes in them. They might never get unlocked in our real society." Sarah said.

"We might die tonight." Sara said.

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