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~~Boss's Office~~

I stormed in. "Detective Han, I know it's my day off but I couldn't help myself when I heard about the case."

He closed a top secret file to look up at me. "The Bear Trap case I presume?"

"Yes." I placed my hands down on his desk. "Why hasn't a team been assembled to investigate?"

Detective Han stood up. "A team is being put together and you are one of the recommended. We just had to asses the dangers before sending people out."

"I was recommended?" This is exactly what I wanted.

He walked around to me, put his hands on my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Now don't screw this up."

~~That night at XX Street~~

I should be on my break but I had to catch this reaper before more lives are taken. "Those living in the slums are still people and their lives matter."

It's too dark I pulled out my flashlight. There were people wearing worn out clothes. I walked up to one.

"Excuse me, I'm detective Jeon." I showed my badge. "Have you seen any suspicious activity lately? I'm looking for a reaper."

The old lady pointed somewhere. "Over there. It's there. They were there. I saw them. They were there. Over there I tell you. He might come for me next. Over there. They were there. I saw them. I-I saw them..." She hid her face behind her hands and curled her body into a ball.

"Thank you. Please don't worry. nobody is going to hurt you." I walked away from her and headed towards an alley that she pointed to.

"What are you? Hey! What are you?!" I passed an old man who was yelling at me some useless things.

"You aren't human! You can't fool me! What are you?!" I just ignored him and kept going.

I started to hear loud noises of glass breaking and someone or something getting hit. I ran.

I grabbed my gun and held it up. "Hey! What's going on here?! I'm detective-?"

Taehyung was there with a larger guy beside him and they were both beating up a huge reaper with knives.

I took a moment to let it all sink in. I then held up my gun again. "Drop your weapons! Now!"

They all looked at me. I stared at Taehyung for too long, the huge reaper lunged at me before I could do anything.

I blacked out shortly after he stabbed me in the chest.

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