It's About Damn Time

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Disclaimer: Kaida Quinn and any new original content provided by yours truly belongs to me. Anything pertaining to Star Wars doesn't belong to me, just my characters, dialogue, and this story arc. 

Please note that this story will not be a fluff piece. I believe there's a lot more struggle to Kylo/Ben (I mean we've only got him in one movie so far). I want to make a different take on him, cause, if you've read any of my stories, you'll know that I strive to be a standout, even in fanfiction.

This book may be shorter than most than what you've seen, cause I'm trying to shoot for it to end up that way. Shorter chapters, shorter story. Kind of a first for me, so let's see how that goes, huh?

Either you're gonna love this ship or hate this ship. My bets on both.

P.S. This is in that long gap between Episode VI and Episode VII

trailer by Dredge116 

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