A Brief Note

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All the time, I hear this rumor that J.K. Rowling said in an interview that she was originally going to have Fred and Hermione end up together. At one point, her plan was for Arthur and Ron Weasley to die. But then on Remus and Fred instead. While I have never found the interview that has her stating Fred and Hermione were going to end up together, I'd like to believe that they could have. Personally, I think Fred and Hermione make more sense together than Ron and Hermione (although, I do like Ron and Hermione together, too.)

With this said, I'm going to attempt to write the series with the Fred and Hermione ending up together. I'm starting with Prisoner of Azkaban and ending with the Deathly Hallows. The story will focus more on the fifth, sixth, and seventh books. I'll be skipping around a lot with book three and four. Also, I'm not going to detail everything that happens with Harry since the books are told through his point of view. (If you really want to read all the details, just go read the book series.) I haven't decided yet if I'm going to go with Rowling's original plan of killing Arthur and Ron.

Anyway, thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoy!


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