Chapter Six

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I wake slowly, my fingers curling into my bedsheets. I'm still so tired, but I hear my alarm going off. I need to get up, get to class and...


I lay there, feeling my body throb. It's dull, but it's how I'd felt after the accident. My head feels thick, muddled.

How odd.

I raise my head slowly, stretching my arms before I reluctantly sit up. I reach over, grabbing my phone where it's going off on my nightstand. I frown as I see the crack reaching across the screen --- when the hell had I done that?

I swipe to turn the alarm off, scowling.


My screen is messed up!

I look over, just as I do every morning, but the bed across from me is empty. I doubt I'll be getting a roommate any time soon, so I expect it'll be that way for a long time. I sigh as I kick the sheets off, letting them bunch at the end of the bed.

My body is sore, I must have slept wrong last night.

I sigh, standing slowly, my hands pressing against my lower back. I roll my neck, hearing a few things pop.


I slip my feet into my ridiculous, fuzzy pink slippers Liam had gotten me for my birthday, grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste. I head for the bathroom, flicking open my screen. It's Friday, I have a class in a few hours I have to head too. I'm so sleepy though, and I feel so... off.

I teeter a little bit, but I make it to the bathrooms, seeing other people getting ready, using the showers, the sinks, mostly the mirrors in the girls cases. I glance over as I stop beside the guy, frowning.

"MC Hammer again, dude?" I mumble, sticking my toothbrush beneath the water as I turn the sink on. "You must be really into him."

It takes the boy a moment, but then he turns to look at me, his eyes widening beneath his shaggy, curly bangs. I quirk a brow at him as I brush my teeth, turning away to finally ignore him. I still look rough, my hair is going in every direction, and my eyes have black rings beneath them.

There's a fuzziness in my head I can't shake, and I get the nagging feeling I'm forgetting something. I've turned in all my assignments, at least I think so. I caught up on the work I missed because of the accident, I couldn't let my grades drop below a B otherwise I'd lose my scholarship and get kicked out of school.

I glance over, but MC Hammer isn't beside me anymore. He must have finished up and moved on, although the weird look he'd given me is a new one.

I must look worse then I thought.

I finish brushing my teeth, using the bathroom --- I'd shower later when it's less crowded. I head back for my room, yawning behind my hand, my eyes only half open. I stagger into my dorm room, and I practically fall across my bed, closing my eyes. I could rest for a little longer, I guess, it's not going to hurt anything.

I mean, my class isn't until three in the afternoon.



"Hale, are you okay?"


I raise my head groggily, shuffling a minute. I look over my shoulder, seeing Blake is suddenly standing in my doorway, his blue shorts decorated with palm trees.

"What is it?" I mumble, wiping at my eyes, aware my words are slurred.

"You missed class today, I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

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