Chapter Thirty-One

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Well, this sucks.

My life didn't flash before my eyes, time didn't slow down for me as I fell. I had a few moments for some errant thoughts, and then impact with the hard, cold ground. I didn't feel the impact, but I know it broke something.

I sigh.

What a night.

I stand by my body, gazing down at myself. Not the outfit I wanted to die in, but I suppose I don't have any other options now. I don't like looking at myself, lying there, my eyes open in fear and now glazed as they look at nothing. My lips are parted, but I'm not drawing in any more breaths to scream.

I'm just... dead.

I look down at myself, raising my hands.

I can't feel anything.

I can't feel the dampness that should be on my palms, I can't feel my heart hitting my chest, or the rush of my blood as I get some adrenaline. I touch my hand, and I can feel my fingers, but... it's strange.

I'm not alive anymore.

I don't need to breathe, but I'm doing it anyway, out of habit. I'm not drawing in any air, it's just a movement of my chest. The wind isn't rustling my clothes, I can't feel the cold. 

I look around at the glass surrounding me before I raise my head, staring at the window I'd been tossed out of.

That little fucker killed me!

There I was, trying to be all nice and considerate --- only to get thrown out a window for my efforts!

I can faintly hear shouting coming from the windows, and I see some more explode, glass raining down onto the grass where I stand. I flinch, one large shard racing toward me --- only to pass right through me and embed itself into the ground.

How do I get up there? How do I get to Kole, how do I ---?

"Amelia! No!"


I turn around in surprise, blinking as I see someone racing from the treeline. I stare, recognizing Sadie instantly, her blonde hair streaming behind her as she throws herself forward over my body, glass crunching under her weight. She kneels beside me, her hands hovering over my bloodied corpse, a look of pain on her face.

What's she doing here?

"Amelia..." she bites her pink-painted lips, her hands lowering into her lap as she leans back. 

I can feel a weird pull, as if I need to go somewhere. It's strange, but I can hear someone calling my name, over and over again. I should go to them, and already I know I don't have a choice.

"Sadie," I hesitate, reaching forward thoughtlessly. My hand passes right through her shoulder, and she shivers, her head raising. I want to touch her, comfort her somehow --- yeah, I'm dead, but that's sort of the worst that can happen.

Just as she turns to look at me, something shifts, changes. I blink as I'm suddenly not standing outside anymore, the trees and night sky changing into old walls and dirty floors.

I look around, realizing I'm in the old building. Okay, so I can teleport now? How did this happen?

My feet are moving, and I'm shuffling forward, realizing I'm being drawn somewhere. I can't stop myself, it's like I have no control, no choice. I turn the corner helplessly, my eyes widening.

"Kole!" I gasp, rushing forward. He's on the ground beneath a busted window --- the exact one I'd gone sailing through a few moments before. Glass is making his skin glitter, and I see dark blood on his lips.

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