Chapter Thirty-Four

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I stand in the middle of my dorm room, gazing around. My things are in boxes and bags, my bed is nothing but a bare mattress. The blue walls are blank, the closet is empty --- my desk has never looked so clean.

I'm leaving, the semester is finally over.

I sigh as I look around, crossing my arms. 

I've been out of the hospital for a few weeks now, but my body still aches. I managed to get back to school, finish up all my exams, I just hope that I passed them. My brain is all fuzzy, I still feel strange --- sadly, it's familiar to me.

I died, again. I felt this way the first few weeks after I died the first time, no wonder Liam had thought I was losing my mind. I have a hard time concentrating, but it's getting better, and at least this time I'm not seeing my dead friend every night, making it worse.

Now I won't ever have too.

I don't imagine I'll get the same dorm room next year, I'll probably have a completely different one on a completely different hall. Honestly, I'm considering applying for a single, despite it's more expensive. I don't want another roommate, I don't want to have to deal with that. 

I chew my lip, nudging the box at my feet. I don't have that much stuff, but it's definitely more than I anticipated. I hope all of it can fit into Kole's fancy car, otherwise I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all of it. This is my last day, it's everyone's --- no one will be here tomorrow. 

I almost don't want to leave.

This has been my home since August, and now I'm leaving it. I'm going to be staying at the House, in my own room, not Kole's. I'll return to school as soon as it starts, and from there maybe everything will be smooth again.

I need normal for a while.

"Hey, loser, why aren't you packed already?"

I glance behind me, mustering up a smile as I see Sadie leaning against my door. She returns it, stepping forward to wrap her arms around my shoulders tightly. She visited me every day when I was in the hospital, apparently the almost-fight we'd had in the diner was forgiven. Blake had come with her a few times, but mostly it had just been her and Kole. 

"Isn't boytoy waiting for you to bring your stuff downstairs?" She asks, her chin resting on my shoulder. I raise a hand, covering hers where they rest against my chest. She's really warm, my fingers are extremely cold these days.

"Yeah, but I didn't realize how much stuff I have," I sigh, looking around. "It's going to take more than just one trip."

"And we both know how much you hate those." she chuckles, letting go of me. "Send him a text and tell him to get his ass up here and help then."

"I will." I say, rolling my shoulders. "You and Blake going on that trip still?"

"Yup! We leave for the beach tomorrow morning," Sadie picks at an errant string on her tank top. "He wants to take me scuba diving, I've never been, so I'm excited. We'll be in Florida for like the next week, but you know you can still text me and shit, right?" she nudges me. "I'm not going to space or anything. Plus, like, if you need a place to stay this summer, you can totally bunk with me at my parents place. They won't care."

"It's fine, Kole ---."

"I know what Kole said, but sometimes men get to be too much and you need some girl time." she informs me promptly, giving me that trademark grin of hers. "We need some hang time too! No boys allowed!"

I chuckle, nodding my head. "If he gets to be too much, I'll take you up on it."

"Good." Sadie seems pleased with my answer, her blonde hair in a short braid down her shoulder. She looks her pretty, tan self, dolled up and ready to go. Her and Blake seem pretty good together, and I'm glad for that. I hope they make each other happy, live regular, normal lives --- or as normal as one can get with a girl like Sadie involved.

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