Chapter Eighteen

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I don't want to wake up, but I know I have too.

I press my face into the thick, soft pillows of the bed, trying to block out the light from the windows above me. The curtains are drawn, letting the sunlight pour into my eyes, and I sigh as I roll over onto my back.

I showered last night, I washed all the grime and residue off my skin that I could. I'm sure there's still makeup caked in the corner of my eyes, but I gave up. I stare up at the ceiling, frowning.

I'd come out of the shower to find clothing neatly followed on the bed. The shirt is too big, it falls down to my thighs, and I have no idea whose leggings these are, but they fit fine. The dress is gone, so I have no idea what they've done with it; maybe they can clean it.

Again, though, how am I going to explain that to Sadie?

I press my hands against my face, my cast looking horrible. It's gray, still dirty, and I know you're not supposed to get them wet, but it's not really been an option for me lately. I have an appointment next week to get it checked, so maybe I can see the progress of my wrist and when I can get this stupid cast off. I hate going around with such a clunky hand.


I should probably get up.

I sit up slowly, my hair trailing down my shoulders. I reach over for my phone where it sits on my nightstand, seeing the battery is low; I should have asked for a charger. It's two p.m., they let me sleep nearly all day!


I roll out of bed quickly, spotting my sandals at the end, looking much cleaner then the night before. I grab them, slipping them on my feet before grabbing my phone and heading for the door. I smooth down my hair the best I can, but it's not like I don't look absolutely hideous anyway.

I hesitate as I step out of the room, glancing down the hallways. My memory of the way here is foggy, so I'm not super sure which direction we came from. I could always text Kole, but that seems kind of silly, plus my phone doesn't have enough charge to tolerate it.


"Miss Hale."

I jump as I hear a voice behind me, and I whirl in alarm.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I rasp, my hand pressing against my chest as I look at Katia. She just looks at me, her hands clasped in front of her, expression placid.

"Mr. James asked I escort you to his office once you awoke." she says in the most expressionless voice I've ever heard. I stare at her a moment, and then nod, clearing my throat. She breezes past me, her skirt brushing my legs --- hell, I feel that!

How strange...

I follow her, memorizing the way, or at least trying too. I'm not too far down from his office, or at least I'm on the second floor, anyway. This place is built like a maze, it's definitely not a "house." It only takes us a few minutes to make it to his office, and Katia knocks politely. I hear Kole's voice, and Katia opens then door, motioning for me to step inside.

I hesitate, then do so, surprised when Kole doesn't jump in horror at my appearance. I didn't look at myself, but I know I look horrifying.

It's been a long night.

Katia leaves, shutting the door behind her and leaving me with Kole.

"How did you sleep?"  he asks me, leaning against his desk, a red book held in his hands. He looks like he was marking certain pages, a yellow highlighter clasped in his fingers, hovering just above the pages.

"Better than I look."

He snorts, but turns away to hide his smile. He's dressed normal again, black jeans tucked into some hardcore looking boots, his t shirt loose and falling down around his hips. There's some black logo I don't recognize on it.

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