Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Sadie ---."

"I mean, come on, Amy! You can't tell me you're staying at his house and not fucking the daylights out of him!" Sadie says rather loudly, and I cringe. We're walking towards the diner now, taking our time going through town. It's dark out, but there's still a lot of students roaming around, so I'd convinced Kole the revenant would in no way come after me. "I know I would be!"

"Sadie, you have a boyfriend." I huff, rubbing my arms.

"So? Doesn't mean I can't appreciate another human being." she grumbles, her blonde hair is a long, rather pretty braid down her shoulder. I'm jealous, I'm so bad at doing anything with my hair, that I don't even attempt it. Maybe I can convince her to teach me one day. "Plus, he's so into you. He drove you to your doctors appointment! He's like, texting you all the time! How can you think he doesn't want you?"

"He hasn't made any moves that he does." I say flatly, frowning. Sadie just... doesn't know the full story. What looks to her as he being interested, is really only him keeping a promise to Laura I didn't realize he'd even made. I don't know why, but that kind of changes my perception of him a little bit. He's not just being overbearing and rude and rather stalker-y because he wants too, he's genuinely trying to do the right thing.

Which I find weird.

I mean, in my head, and in everything I've always read, demons are awful, frightening creatures. Their sole purpose is to cause memory to us, to torture our souls and do the bidding of Lucifer. If they do come into our plan, it's not to help us, but destroy us, like in all the movies. I mean, there has to be demons like that, right? They're not all just finding bodies and living out normal human  lives.

It just doesn't make sense, and I usually have to catch Kole or Ian in the right mood before they'll say anything useful. And then, it's only so much before they get pissy!


Er, demons!


"I think he's made it pretty obvious he wants in your pants, Amy. You're just too self-conscious or blind to see it."

"I'm not self-conscious, Sadie, I just --- you just don't get our relationship." I mutter, not wanting to talk about it anymore.

"I know more then you think I do," she says, and her tone is what makes me look at her.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

She hesitates, as if realizing she said that out loud. "I just mean that, I pick up on a lot more then people think I do." she says hastily, covering her tracks. "I know he's into you, and if I didn't like Blake so much, I'd do a test run and bang him first. If he's good in the sack, I'd totally give you the okay."

"Sadie, that's... weird."

"I would call it practical." she replies, giving me a coy grin. "One of these days you'll lighten up, Amy. Your life will be a lot better for it. And more fun."

"Right, well, when that happens, you'll be the first to know," I snort, spotting the diner. We stand on the sidewalk, waiting for the light to change. 

"You look really cute, by the way," she says as we start across the intersection. "I think this is the first time I've ever seen your boobs."

I look down, frowning; why does everyone keep commenting on that?

"Uh, I wore that dress."

"Yeah, because I forced you. You wore that top because Kole is here, didn't you!?"

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I huff, moving my hair out of my face. "Jeez, can't I just wear it because I like it!?"


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