Chapter Ten

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I'm nervous.

Kole hasn't contacted me any, and for the oddest reason it's bothering me.

He's a demon, he doesn't have good intentions, so what is he planning? Is he just going to show up randomly again? Drag me off campus? Throw me into a pit that leads to hell?

Or is he letting me torture myself in angst, exactly like what I'm doing now?

Honestly, I'm tired, I was up half the night consoling Sadie.

She had seemed perfectly fine this morning when I ran into her in the bathroom, dolling herself up for another day and jabbering like she hadn't just got three hours of sleep. I'd just brushed my teeth in silence, my eyes glazed with matching black circles.

My bruises from the car wreck are pretty much gone now, although the scratch over my nose is still red. Now the only real sign is the cast on my wrist, and the doctor had said minimum it would take eight weeks for it to heal, so another four or more for me to go. It hadn't been too severe of a break, so maybe not too much longer.

"Good news, everyone. Next semester you can officially start your clinicals!"

There's a chorus of yay's from the class, whereas I just sit there with my chin propped on my hand. I'm not sure how much I can really do with a broken wrist. I am excited though, I can finally go out in the field and see what it's really like. I'm not sure yet if I want to be in a hospital setting, a hospice nurse, or maybe work at one of the nursing homes --- I'll just have to visit all and see what I get a taste for.

My mind flicks back to Kole's words, how he'd seemed pleased at the thought of having a nurse on call.

As if I'd run to him just because he calls me!

He can go to a hospital like a normal person!

Plus, I don't even know him! I've been around him a few times, none for long lengths of time --- certainly none of them enjoyable. The only other demon is Ian, and he's always so quiet, he doesn't like being around me.

Well, I suppose being sent to earth as punishment would make someone kind of grouchy, though. I'm still not quite sure about that explanation, either. In everything I've read or seen about demons, they want to come here, and certainly not to save people! They come here to possess people, take their bodies and do evil shit. Destroy families, kill people --- stuff like that.

The way Kole puts it, they can only take the bodies of those who have lost their faith, I'm assuming in God, and they boot the original owner out. Then they use their bodies and help us humans? From being hurt by ghosts and other creatures I'm sure that now probably exist?

Seems too good to be true.

I don't think Hell is exactly a paradise.

How bad can earth be in comparison to that?

And how many demons are on this earth that we don't even know about? Since they look like everyone else, it's impossible to tell!

Unless... unless you're like me, I guess. 

Someone who's "veil has been lifted," and can now see what everyone else can't.

Oh what bullshit.

All of this is so crazy!

Yet it makes so much sense!

"Here is everyone's papers from last week, a majority of you did quite well. Much better then the other class, at least," the teacher sighs, just like she always does when her other class comes into the conversation. She makes them sound incredibly hopeless. She begins passing the papers around, and I take mine, hesitant to even look at it.

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