\\ Nova \\

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There's a time and a place for all this
This is not the place for all this



I watched in shock as the girl grabbed the girl next to her, and sauntered away

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I watched in shock as the girl grabbed the girl next to her, and sauntered away. My chest still hurt from having a basketball shoved into me but what hurt more was my pride.

Who was this chick anyway?

She must be fresh meat, cuz I ain't never seen her around before. She was cute too, but she had a bad attitude.

"My nigga, you just got told." My best friend Izaiah (we called him Zay for short) laughed, as he patted me on the back.

I scoffed, "Shut up man."

"Who was she anyway?" Jeremiah asked, coming up on my other side. We all watched as they walked away, "I've never seen her here before."

I just played it off with a shrug, "Some whack chick."

Zay shook his head, "Oh, She ain't just 'some whack chick.' Not if she stood up to you, Nov."

I shook his hand off my shoulder, turned around with the basketball on my hip, "Whatever, man."

"Oooh Nova met his match." Jeremiah teased, but I wasn't listening.

Yeah, I'll admit. That girls defiance to me bothered me a little more than it should. Most girls would kill for my attention. But this girl? She was straight up cold.

I put my basketball in my locker, shaking my head to myself.

Fresh meat here? She wouldn't last long. After all, no girl could resist my charms. I already had a plan cooking up inside my head, and I had to hide my smirk as I grabbed my stuff for Physics.

This girl better be on guard.


I was a couple of minutes late to class, and Mr. Dean glared at me as I walked in.

"You're late." He said.

I shrugged, smiling slyly, "Aye, sorry Mr. Dean. I had some locker troubles."

He rolled his eyes but said nothin else, so I sat down at my regular seat. Or well, I would have sat down at my seat in the back, if someone else wasn't already sitting there.

Her head was down, and she looked like she was about to go to sleep. But I recognized those braids, and the little design on her hand. And when she felt my presence, She looked up slowly before giving me a stank face, and then looked back at the board.

"Aye," I said smoothly, "Scuse me, but you're in my seat."

She dropped her head into one of her hands, and I noticed the little pieces of jewelry on her face. Interesting...

"Hey," I said again, a little louder, "You heard me, lil ma?"

"Does this seat have your name on it?" She said, not even looking at me.

I frowned at her, "Nah, but I sit here everyday so-"

"So go sit somewhere else then." She cut me off, still not looking at me.

So fiesty.

I sighed, "C'mon man, what is your problem? You still mad about the basketball?"

She glared at me.
At least she was looking at me.

I hid my smirk, "I guess that's a yes then."

"And that's exactly why yo mushroom lookin ass can go find another seat." She retorted.

Some of the people around us started laughing at her comment. And I scowled at her, pressing my hand down on my afro to make sure it wasn't too poofy.

Now she got people laughing at me, I'm starting to get pissed off.

"You know what your problem is?" I said, irritated.

"Yeah," She nodded, "The problem is your head too damn big, I can't see the board. So if you gonna stay and keep botherin me, at least pop a squat."

More people heard that, and now most of the class was laughing. Mr. Dean turned around, and glared at me because I was still standing.

"Nova, sit down."

I looked at her, and then looked at him, "But she-"

"Just sit in the seat over here." He pointed to the chair right next to his desk. It was an empty chair for a reason. No one wanted to be close enough to smell him cuz he always had bad breath.

I glared at her for a moment, "This ain't over."

"Course not, big fella."

I threw my backpack on the ground and slumped into my seat,  not even paying attention when Dean started teaching again.

She thought she was gonna get away with calling me out in the hallway and in class? She thought wrong.

I was gonna get her back.

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