\\ Dee \\

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Wazzup y'all.

Issa really short chapter.

I don't want to pressure you none,

I want your blessing today


I was just caught up in the moment, I tried to explain to myself as I paced in the kitchen, snackin on some french fries Nuz brought over

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I was just caught up in the moment, I tried to explain to myself as I paced in the kitchen, snackin on some french fries Nuz brought over. A part of me was relieved that he interrupted us when he did cuz if he waited any longer...I could've kissed Nova. I almost kissed him.

I didn't even know how that happened. I went from cursin his name and swearin him and all boys outta my life to tearin up to  gettin in his arms in the span of thirty minutes. My heart was still poundin inside my chest at the thought of him, at everythin he did for me. He confessed everythin to me.

He had an influence on me, I couldn't deny it, but what shook the me that most was how strong it was. I didn't even realize I was gonna kiss him, until I almost did. Nothin was goin through my mind to stop me, all I could think about was...him.

Was I whipped?

"Nah," I told myself aloud, shakin my head as I ate another fry, "I just got caught up." Besides, what would I look like? Breakin it off with one dude just to go run off to the other.

Get yoself together Dee, I had to tell my still racin heart. I couldn't leave Nov out there with Nuz forever, especially not with how it looked before Nuz walked in. I heard my mama's voice next enterin the house, and I took a deep breath before walkin outta the kitchen and back into the livin room. Nova hadn't moved from his spot near the staircase, but Nuz was sittin on the couch, muggin him.

"Hey Diamond," My mama said tiredly, she glanced at the boys and raised an eyebrow, "The hell goin on in here?"

"That's my friend Nova, remember?" I told her, "He was my physics partner, he was the one who came over to do homework with sometimes." 

"He is?" She asked, but her facial expression said somethin else. Somethin more like okay, but why is he in my house alone with you?

"He dropped me off from the game," I answered quickly, "But it got real rainy so I told him he could stay to wait out the storm. We was down here watchin movies mama, that's all." I told her, hopin she would accept it and not ask anymore questions.

She finally nodded, and gave a small greeting to Nova before she disappeared into her bedroom.

Nuz was still on the couch, "So, what really happened tho?"

I rolled my eyes, "I already told y'all what happened."

"Yeah, except for I walked in first. And you and this curly headed nigga looked like y'all was kissin."

"Nuz shut up, he got a name. Stop callin him a nigga." I said exasperatedly. "And ain't nobody was kissin. We were havin a conversation that needed to be had. That's all."

"Mhmm," He smacked his lips as he got up from the couch, "You not foolin nobody by the way."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever man, you buggin. Can you kindly hurry up and take yo ass upstairs tho?"

He ignored me and went back to muggin Nova as he passed him on the steps. "Y'all better not be havin se-"

"Nuz, if you don't-" I threatened movin towards him, but he ran up the stairs quickly before I could snatch his ass. 

I sighed exasperatedly again, my heart was still pounding in my chest. But now it was with embarrassment. I glanced at Nova, to see him lookin up the stairs the way Nuz went before his gaze was back on me. I was preparin to apologize for Nuz's petty ass, when he spoke first.

"So you're real name is Diamond huh?"

"Uh...yeah." I said, taken aback by his question. I actually laughed a little, "Why is that the first thing you ask outta everythin that just happened?"

He crossed his arms, pretendin to frown, "Because, you never told me Diamond was you're real name. Wow Dee, I'm hurt." He was playin off the Nuz thing so I wouldn't have to address it. Which was fine, cuz I didn't even know what to say about it.

I smacked my lips, "Whatever Nova." I played with my nails nervously for a second before addin in a softer voice, "If it makes you feel any better, you're the first person to know."

"What?" His expression changed into shock, "But Zay-"

I shrugged, "He never asked. He always called me Dee. Everybody does."

He was silent for a moment as he took in this information. Before he finally shrugged with a crooked grin, "Well, I like Diamond better. It's prettier, and it suits you."

I looked away so he couldn't see my face get hot.

"Mines is Julio."

"Hol up, what?" I shook my head, "Nah man, you playin'."

He rolled his eyes playfully, "Girl you heard me, I didn't stutter." I smacked my lips, but he held his hand out, "Julio Franceschi, nice to meet you."

I looked at his outstretched hand, and back at him.

"You gone leave me hangin?" He asked.

I sighed softly, shakin his hand, "Why you so corny?"

"It's a part of my charm." He replied, still holdin on to my hand. It was several moments before I realized this, and I quickly let go.

There was another moment of silence between us, as the sound of someone turnin on the shower upstairs could be heard. I looked at the time on the TV, "Well, you should probably go back home now. It sounds like the storm stopped."

"Oh, okay." He said softly, his hair was almost dry, and his jersey no longer stuck to his chest. He picked up his shoes instead of puttin them on, and I opened the door for him. The sky was silent, and there was nothin left but the sound of crickets and mist.

He stepped outside the door, but didn't walk down the porch. He turned to me, "Goodnight Diamond."

I acted like it didn't leave a strange sensation in my chest, "Night Julio."

And then, I shut the door. Leanin against it, I stared out at my empty living room, comin to terms with the truth. I dunno how or why, but I realized I wasn't caught up in the moment. I caught feelings.

"Aww, y'all kinda cute," I heard someone say from the top of the stairs, and looked up to see Nuz standin there, leanin on the railing. "Did he kiss you yet?"

"Nuz shut up."


Next one will be longer, but I just wanted to get this out here cuz I realized I haven't updated anythin for a real minute. 

Did y'all start watching season 4 yet? Season 3 will always be my fav but I guess it's not that bad, I kinda like Lil Bri cuz she remind me of Dee, and Street Bud remind me of Roscoe. What do y'all think?

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