\\ Nova \\

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Lol the last chapter was kinda short, so here's a longer one to make up.

You've been down from the go, recognition is what you want

And it's somethin that I should know



Man, this is girl is really getting on my nerves now

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Man, this is girl is really getting on my nerves now. I don't what it was about her that worked me up so much, all I knew is I wanted to put her in her place. Ain't nobody disrespectin' Nova. The Nova.

 Despite myself, I kept glancing back at her. She looked just as bored as she did when I first walked in, her head was leanin on her hand and she was rubbing her temple tiredly. I snorted a little, she looked kinda cute like that. No Nova, don't get distracted. I had to remind myself that she just roasted me literally twenty minutes ago.

I looked back at the front, and went back to scheming. I was thinkin about all the ways I could get her back, when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I looked up to make sure Dean didn't hear, before I looked down at my text message.

I sighed, it was from Tally.

Tally: Hey Nov. 😗💖💗 Meet me in the parking lot?

Damn. Doesn't this girl know I'm in class? Shouldn't she be in class? I shook my head, but texted back.

Me: Can't. I'm in class rn.

Tally: Ik. I'm outside. 😊

What? I looked up at the door, to see her standing there. She smiled when I saw her, and started waving at me all excitedly. I was really starting to regret ever gettin involved with Tally. We slept together like once, and suddenly I turned into her new bae. And now, she won't stop texting me and she always wants to be around me. I wasn't even into her like that, I was kinda just foolin around. 

I sighed again, looking back down at my phone. 

Me: I legit can't Tally. I'm sittin right at the front.

Tally: 😣😥why??

Wow. She cannot take a hint. I looked back at the window, and she wasn't there so maybe she actually did take the hint. I sunk a little in my seat, before glancin back at the new girl again. She was still lookin ahead, but this time, she actually looked back at me. We stared at each other for a moment, before she smirked and looked back at the board. I glared again, before turnin back around.

Oh, I got somethin for you. Keep smirkin'.

The bell finally rang, and I stood up in my seat. She scooted her chair out loudly, grabbing her stuff and quickly walking away. I smirked to myself, and grabbed my stuff before leaving too. My plan was stopped when Tally suddenly popped outta nowhere. 

"Nova!" She smiled, hugging me tightly.

I just stood there shook for a moment, "Uh...hi Tally? How long where you standin' out here?"

She laughed. It really wasn't even funny, "Not that long." Then she wrapped her arms around my neck, leaning closer to me, "It was worth the wait."

She was tryna be sexy, but honestly, I wasn't feelin it right now. My focus was still on the new girl. I looked up, watching her walk away, and I groaned. Well, great...now she got away. Now I have to track her down somehow.


I looked back at Tally, and took her hands off neck, "Look Tally...I'm sorry but I really gotta do somethin."

She pouted, "Like what?"

"Uh..." I said, not really sure how to explain it.

She just completely ignored it tho, because she grabbed my hand and just started walking, so I had no choice but to follow.

"I can't believe that new girl is in your class, she's so annoying, isn't she?" Tally said.

I nodded. I was bored now.

"And then she had the audacity to call me fat." She said.

I tried not to laugh, and Tally glared at me. "What's so funny, Nov?"

"Nothin." I said, once the urge to laugh stopped. "Uh...why did she call you fat?"

"Well, she didn't say fat. She said 'big fella', " She said, in this high-pitched annoying voice which I guess meant that she was copying her voice, and I tried not to laugh again.


I met up with Zay and the other guys during lunch, sitting down at my usual spot towards the end of the table.

"Aye Nov, I saw you walkin down the hall with Tally," Zay teased with a smirk, "What was that about?"

I shook my head, "Nothin really."

"What?" Jeremiah looked at me with a confused face, "You feelin' Tally of all those girls?"

I rolled my eyes as Zay and a few other guys laughed. "Shut up, bruh. I don't even like her like that..."

"Well, while Nova's rethinking some stuff, y'all down for Ty's party on Friday?" Zay asked, thankfully changing the subject.

I glanced at him, "We have a game on Friday."

Zay scoffed, "Nigga I know that. It's after the game, basically an afterparty after we tear them Bear's ass up." Jeremiah and the other's laugh, and I smiled a little, cuz he wasn't lying. Out of all the high school basketball teams in Readings, the Bears were the worst

We would win that game, no sweat.

"So, you in?" Jeremiah asked me.

I grinned at him, "Hey, you know I can't pass up an invitation to get loose."

"My man." Zay nodded, and they all started talking about the upcoming game again, but my attention wasn't on the topic. My eyes traveled across the cafeteria, and somehow ended up on the new girl.

She had her lunch tray in her hand, and she was walking around, looking for a seat. I thought about making my move on her now, while she's vulnerable, but decided against it. The same girl from earlier in the hall ran up to her, and practically dragged her to her table, so I guess she was set then.

I didn't realize I was still starin at her until she was lookin right back at me. And just like in class, she smirked at me. She was starting to get to me again, half of me wanted to walk straight over to her and show her who the real Nova is, and that he don't take no L's. And then another part of me thought that her smile was kinda cute.

I snapped out of it tho, and focused back on my own table.

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