\\ Dee \\

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Can I just say...thank you for giving the 1st chapter over 4K views. I just scrolled through the views outta the blue and was like ''damn, that many people read this crazy ass story's first chapter?'' Lol.

So yeah, *sings in Yonce's Dance For You* I just wanna thank you in case I don't thank you enoughhh.

Bad attitude from yo nanny
Curve and your hips from yo mammy



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"Dee?...Dee! Dee!" I heard Nuzzle yell from downstairs. He was always shoutin my name for somethin, never wanted to just come up and knock on my door.

I sighed as I crawled outta bed, walkin over to open my door and look down the hall, "What Nuz?"

"Flau'Jae at the door!" He yelled back.

I walked downstairs to see her on the inside, Nuz already hits the door and hopped back on the couch to continue watchin TV.

"Hey Dee," Flau said, her voice soft, "You doing okay?"

I shrugged, "I'm fine."

"Well, you wanna come to the mall with Kayla, Roscoe, and I? We going shopping for our dresses." She explained.

I looked over at the window to see that Kayla's car was parked on the curb, with Roscoe hangin out the window wavin his hands in the air. I couldn't help but chuckle, cuz Roscoe was goofy as hell, but I really didn't feel like goin out anywhere.

I shook my head, "Nah, I'm good. Y'all have fun tho."

Jae frowned, "But you've been in your house all week. Don't you think you need a break from bein mad all the time?"

"I ain't mad."

"Lyin not gonna help you," She said, "C'mon Dee, let's go do somethin."

"Honestly, I just wanna go lay down." I said tiredly. I just wanted to sit in my room, with my Pineapple Fanta, and watch Love and Hip Hop reruns till I fell asleep. I didn't want to go to the mall or anywhere public.

Flau'Jae nodded understandingly, "Okay...well, text me if you need me. You know I'm always here for you, Dee."

"I know." I mumbled, flickin my nails nervously. I just didn't want to think about it anymore. I was done tryin to understand the things that he did. I didn't care anymore.

She walked back out the door, and Nuz looked over, "What's wrong wit'chu?"

"Nothin." I said, walkin back up the steps.

I got to my room and unpaused the TV when my phone buzzed from a sudden notification. I glanced at it to see that it was Zay.

Zay❤😈: Hey Dee, are you still mad at me?

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