\\ Nova \\

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Couldn't leave y'all hangin tho.

You remember the other night in my bedroom? On top of my bed

I remember the things you said 



I played it cool as Dee got up from the bleachers and stepped down to go to Zay, but the moment she turned away, I couldn't fight the smile on my face

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I played it cool as Dee got up from the bleachers and stepped down to go to Zay, but the moment she turned away, I couldn't fight the smile on my face. I thought it was gonna take a hella of a lotta convincing before I could get her in the studio again. And it made me wonder what changed her mind so quickly...

I glanced at her again, seein her huggin Zay and I rolled my eyes before lookin somewhere else. Out of the corner of my eye I watched them stand in the middle of the gym, talkin and stuff before Zay wrapped his hand around hers and they left. It still burned a little, seein them together. I tried my best to keep my feelings to myself because after all, Zay was my bestfriend, but the more I'm around Dee, the harder it was to hold back. I wanted her for myself...but it was wrong. Damn.

I sighed, messin with the headband on my forehead that was coverin up my "nugget" as Dee likes to call it. Who knew she would be the one to get me all messed up over? Life is weird, man.

Jeremiah started walkin over to me, and I grabbed my bag and stood up, steppin down to meet him halfway. We leaned in to clap hands, doing our little twist on it before we headed over to the double doors.

"So what's up, we playin 2K?" Jer asked.

I raised an eyebrow, "Tonight?"

"Nah fam, right now."

"On a Monday?" I asked warily.

He smacked his lips, "What? You gotta bedtime?"

I rolled my eyes, punchin him in the shoulder, "Shut up."

"Damn, first Zay, now you. Why y'all so aggressive all of a sudden?" He muttered, rubbin his shoulder. I snickered as we walked out into the open air, the cool air feelin good compared to the musty gymnasium.

I noticed Zay's car as they pulled out of the parking lot. I nodded in their direction, hopin to sound casual, "Where they headin?"

Jer snorted, "He's takin her home. Where else?"

I rolled my eyes again, "It's just a question."

"Why you wanna know?" He asked, raisin his eyebrows and giving me a look.

"Just unlock the car." I mumbled as we reached his car. He opened the door, and I hopped in the passenger's seat.


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