\\ Nova \\

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This ones a shortie :)

I'm on the way, I know connection is vague

Pick up the phone for me babe



She kissed me

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She kissed me.

She kissed me.

All my frantic thoughts, and my rambling apologies fell away the moment her lips made contact with mine, and my body went still with shock. Out of all the things I'd ever expect to happen to me...I'd never in a million years guess that Diamond would be the one to kiss me first.

At instinct, I closed my eyes and let my hands cup her face gently, kissin her back. I was still confused as to why she did it, but I'd be damned if I didn't take the opportunity. The kiss was slow, and sweet. The more she kissed me, the more confident she began to get as her arms wrapped around my neck, pullin me even closer to her. I could smell her perfume; it was intoxicatin and drove me wild, but I told myself that I would take it slow with her and be gentle. This was our first kiss after all.

So when she finally pulled away, I let her go, both of us were leanin back against the swings, nothin but the heaviness of our breaths pantin lowly in the silent night. 

"Why'd...you do that?" I asked, after I manage to get my breathin straight.

She just shrugged, "Had to shut you up somehow."

"Diamond...do you, like me back?" I asked slowly, my heart poundin nervously in anticipation of her answer.

She looked me in my eyes, a confident grin spread across her face, "Wasn't it obvious?"

"I gotta hear you say it."


"Because," I trailed off for a moment, wonderin why I needed to hear her say it so badly, "Because...it doesn't feel real unless you say it."

"I like you Nova." She said, lookin me right in the eyes, "I really like you."

There was an explosion of somethin in my chest, a funny warm, fuzzy type of feeling. My heart felt like it would skyrocket outta my chest at any moment, but I wouldn't even mind. I was beyond happy, I don't think there was a word strong enough to describe the feelin I felt. It felt like all the pieces of my life had finally came together harmoniously, like the world around me had been previously gray and suddenly filled in with color. 

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