\\ Dee \\

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Tell me how can I right my wrongs?
With you is where I belong 



I could already tell this was bout to be an interesting year

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I could already tell this was bout to be an interesting year. It was just my luck that Mr. Pretty boy over here would be in my first period class. And that he would try to start something with me.

But I wasn't gonna let him get away with it, tho. I was from B-more, and ya know we don't take no L's. He ain't used to a girl that talks back, I can already tell.

He kept sendin little glares at me all throughout the period, but I ignored them. I really wasn't in the mood for all ts extra nonsense. I just wanted to hurry up and get to lunch, cuz ya girl starvin over here.

Once the bell rang, I finally stood up and grabbed my things. I noticed a couple of guys lookin at me from the corner of my eye, actin like I can't see them. I just rolled my eyes and walked out, making sure to put a lotta space between Mr. Pretty boy and I.

I noticed ole girl again...what did Flau'Jae call her...Telly? Tally? She was waiting right outside my room. She rolled her eyes when she saw me, and I just merely laughed again. Because this chick was too funny. She didn't have her little clique behind her, so I know she wasn't gonna try somethin. I kept walking, but I'll admit, I was nosy so I peeked behind my shoulder to see who she was waiting for. I just scowled when I realized she was talking to pretty boy. Do all the annoying people hang out together?

I shook my head, and kept walking. I only made it like, six inches before I ran into someone, and dropped my stuff i was carrying.

"Damn, yo!" I shouted, looking up at the person, irritated.

It was a dark skinned boy, I recognized him as one of those basketball goons from earlier.

"Sorry ma," He said, in that same, smooth way pretty boy tried me, "My bad. I'll pick it up for you."

The headassery of some people.

"No," I said firmly, "How bout you stop bein slick and just leave me the hell alone. Find someone else to play with, cuz  I'm warning ya right now, I ain't the one big fella."

He looked confused for a moment, "What?"

I scoffed, "Don't act dumb."

"I forreal don't know what you're talkin bout ."

Now, I was irritated. Why did everybody gotta pick today of all days to try my nerves? "Nigga, lie again."

He shook his head and laughed, "Ohhh. You mean the thing that happened between you and Nova."

I raised an eyebrow, "Who?"

"Nova," He repeated with a shrug, "You know, Hispanic boy with curly hair?"

I nodded after a minute, "Okay, well good to know. You gonna give me back my stuff?"

He looked down at his arm, still realizing that he was holding my binder. He smiled in a way that seemed almost shy. My attitude faltered a bit at his smile...it was kinda cute.

"My name's Zay," He said, handing me my stuff, "You got one?"

"Deetranada." I said simply.

"Aye, cool name." He nodded at me, and smiled, "Cool jewelry too. They look really pretty on you."

For some reason I felt a warmness burst in my chest that I hadn't felt before. He bent down a bit to dig somethin out of his backpack, and while he did, I checked him out. He's pretty fine.

I couldn't lie, especially with that curly fade and diamond in his left ear. He finally stood up and gave me a piece of paper.

"What's that?" I asked, staring at his hand but not taking it.

"A back to school party one of my boys is throwin," he explained, "You should come. It's gonna be pretty lit."

I nodded, keeping my cool, "Aight, I'll see about it."

"Bet." He grinned, folding the paper up and tucking it away, in the pocket of my jacket...right next to my right breast. And he didn't look the least embarrassed about it either.

"See you around, Dee." He winked, before  walking away.

I stared at him as he left, and wondered for the millionth time what is wrong with the people at this school.

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