Ok then, be angry over everything

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So, this isn't necessarily only to anime fandoms, no no no, this is towards EVERYONE.

Ok, first off, don't shame someone over what they like, yes, I know there are things that people shouldn't like in fandoms, such as incest, underage anything, sexual harassment, and things like that.

I understand why you would hate someone who likes those things but don't go killing someone who likes Bleach (the show not the liquid) because it has swords, don't go raging over someone who likes Harry Potter because it fuels them with dead characters jokes, and don't even go murdering people because they like Twilight. Yes, I know it is a very disliked book series and movie series, but there still is a fandom, although if they hate on your fandom because they think theirs is superior for really no good reason, you can set them straight. This isn't only to Twilight people, but anyone who shames you for your interests for no reason.

Is someone hates you because they hate Japan and you like anime, go ahead and tell them that is not a good reason to hate your guts since you have many other qualities. But, if someone hats you because you killed a loved one, or even just that you killed someone, they have a every good reason to hate you.

Of course, something even as "small" as any type of harassment, they have a very good reason to hate you.

Ok, this went dark.

Just, don't hate on a fandom or people from that fandom because you have one bad experience with it.

For example, I kinda disliked Doctor Who because the people I met who watched it talked solely of the show and it got annoying, but then again, that's what I do with any of my fandoms nowadays. But since I started watching Sherlock, I found out that SuperWhoLock was a thing and I really wanted to watch Doctor Who because so many people who like Sherlock, like that show. (BUT OF COURSE NETFLIX DOESNT HAVE IT)

And just saying, if you hate the YOI fandom because the show has gay characters, go sit in the corner and rethink your life.

If you hate Free because the lack of clothes make you uncomfortable, that's reasonable, let's go talk about how all our friends are perverts who need help.

If you hate Naruto because it has so many starter anime fans in it, let me remind you, we all had that Naruto faze where we were all noob weebs. Yes, even you, that person who has been watching anime since they were a kid.

If you hate Boku no Piko because it's, yeah I understand why you hate it, it's understandable since it normally the first and only hentai people see.

If you hate anything for no good reason, go away and rethink your choices.

- Kakashi, who accidentally made that dirt part way to dark

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