Chapter 14

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"Austin call 911." I said and I picked up Lily.

"What's wrong?"

"Lily she's not moving." I said as tears continued to fall down my face. I heard Austin on the phone with the paramedics.They finally hung up.

"Austin go get my dad, please?" Austin ran out the room and by the time he came back with my dad I already heard the sirence, and a knock at the door. I heard the roller came in and I heard the paramedics talking to my dad upfront.They took Lily and put her in the truck.

"Who would like to ride with her?" The paramedic said as he stood in the doorway.

"Karina go ahead me and Austin will drive." My dad said.

"Okay, I'll ride."I said. I got in the ambulance and I held Lily's hand the whole ride there. I whispered to her that she'll be alright.We finally got there and she was put in a room and they began testing on her and trying to figure out what happened. While Lily was in the testing area me,Austin, and my dad sat in the room Lily was out in. The room was silent till they brought Lily back. They had the results already, the doctor had the paper in her hand.

"Okay so we have the results for Lily." She said." It seems as if her heart was having some type of problem of beating the right way.We noticed that was has a huge cut going across her chest."

"She had a surgery when she was 2 and she had that scar since."My dad said. "We have to take 1 more test and that test will prove everything." She said.


"Thank you guys for waiting. We can see that she's always had heart problems but this has never happened. So she can leave tomorrow but she'll need to be back in a week for that last test result." The doctor said."Would any of you want to stay here with her because 9/10 she will wake up in the middle of the night and I would want her to be in here all by herself and her be scared."

"Karina?" My dad said with a questionable look.

"I'll stay."I said. "Dad bring me some clothes please."

"Okay I'll be back in 5."My dad said walking out the door. I walked over to Austin who was watching me.

"Hey baby!" I said as I sat next to him.

"Hi baby girl." He said as he put his hand on my thigh.We sat there in silence for a minute or two." You know everything's gonna be okay right?" Austin said as I rested my head in his shoulder.

"But what if it's not what if something actually happened to Lily, what am I gonna do then?" I said as I began to cry. "Everything is gonna be alright. I promise." He said he whipped my tears aways." And plus if anything happens you'll still have me,your dad, and others."

"I know, and thank you for being here."I said. " I'll always be here for you." Austin said as I began to doze off in his arms. Me and Austin feel asleep for what felt like a hour but was only 15 minutes. We woke and and my dad was sitting there talking to Lily.

"Dad?" I said as he got up and stretched."Karina?" He said as he stood up from the chair. " Yea it's me."

"Well your clothes are on that table and your tooth brush is in there with everything else." He said pointing to the table the bag was one.

'Okay thanks dad, and I'll get Austin." I said walking to Austin." Austin? Are you up?"

"Yea, is your dad back?" He said as he adjusted his eyes to the light. "Yes." I said."Okay is he ready to go?"

"Yes ." I said as Austin began to get up from the couch. He yawned as he got up. "Bye baby girl, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Bye Austin. I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I began to cry. I don't know why I was crying, I'm just an emotion person. I just didn't want Austin to leave. Everyone left and I feel asleep.

A/N HII GUYS I've been trying to update but I've been busy. I guess soo YAA!! I'm going to try to update as soon as possible now. THANKS FOR READING AND DONT FORGET TO VOTE!

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