Chapter 16

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May woke up early in the morning to find an asleep A, Dyl and K, but no T anywhere in sight. She got up and looked around the building to try and find him. He was nowhere in the building. She was about to go outside when she saw a note written on a piece of paper attached to the door.

"Went out for a little. Be back soon.-T"

May sighed and laid back down to fall back asleep.
K woke up to see everyone else was asleep. She decided she should get up and she noticed the note T had left behind. She went up to the windowsill and sat up there until someone else woke up.

After a little while, Dyl woke up and to his surprise, had a blanket covering him. He wondered why he had a blanket since he didn't fall asleep with one. He looked around to see an asleep May and A, but no K or T. Dyl looked up at the windowsill and saw K sitting up there curled up in a ball considering the building was rather cold inside. He quietly went over to the windowsill and wrapped the blanket around K's shoulders making it almost like a cape.
K was startled by Dyl's action, but relaxed seeing it was him. He sat down next to her on the windowsill and they sat in silence for a little.

"Did you cover me with the blanket last night?" Dyl asked breaking the silence.

"Yea, you fell asleep and were shivering. I wasn't that cold so I gave my blanket to you." K responded smiling.

"Well thank you but you didn't have to." Dyl exclaimed smiling back.

"I wanted to." K sighed.

"Well thank you. And where's T?" Dyl uttered.

"He went out on a walk. Probably trying to handle some thoughts right now." K responded.
Their conversation was interrupted by a yawning A who was waking up.

"Mornin' A." K whispered trying to not wake May.

"Morning K. Morning Dyl." A replied.

"Morning." Dyl mumbled.

"We should really wait for T to come back before we go out and do anything today." K stated.

"Yea probably best." May said who had just woken up.

*four hours later*

"Where is T? He should've been back by now." K exclaimed pacing around the building.

"I don't know. Maybe we should go look for him." May replied.

"Maybe two of us could go look and the other two can stay to see if he comes back." A thought out loud.

"Yea, you and May go look for him. May, you know where T likes to go by himself. A just make sure May doesn't get lost or anything. Me and Dyl will stay here in case T comes back." K explained.

"Alright, we'll be back to check on you guys every half hour." A stated following May out the door.

"So now what?" K asked looking over at Dyl.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" Dyl responded.

"I don't know, do you want to continue that conversation?" K questioned.

"Sure, I'm gonna grab a blanket. It's getting cold in here." Dyl uttered grabbing a blanket since he could only find one.

K walked up to the windowsill with Dyl following behind. She sits down and shivers since it's cold inside the base. Dyl walked over to K with the blanket wrapped around him like a cape.

"You want the blanket?" Dyl asked motioning to the blanket.

"No, I'm fine. You can keep it." K replied while shivering again.

Dyl noticed her shivering and sat down next to K and wrapped the blanket around her while still keeping some for himself. Just as that happened, May and A walked back into the base.

"Hey guys, oh did we interrupt something?" May uttered.

"No, we were just talking. Did you guys find T? Or any signs of T?" K asked blushing slightly.

"Nothing we could find. We don't know where he went. We went to the park he used to go to. But I think there's one more place we could look. Come on A." May sighed.

"Well that was awkward." Dyl exclaimed rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, just a little." K chuckled.

K and Dyl both turned their heads away from each other and blushed. They just sat in silence for a little.

"Well what do you wanna talk about?" Dyl asked breaking the silence.

"Umm, I don't know. Do you remember anything about the school you used to go to?" K questioned.

"Uhh, not a whole lot. Just there was a girl I liked, but nothing much apart from that. What about you? Do you remember anything from your school?" Dyl explained.

"Um, I remember meeting these guys and liking this guy, who actually looks a lot like you." K sighed.

"What?" Dyl asked.

"Just seeing you reminds me of the guy I used to like. I don't know what happened to him. He just disappeared one day." K uttered.

"What......what day did he disappear?" Dyl whispered out.

"Uh, last day I saw him was October 28. I think. Why?" K questioned confused.

"Oh my god." Dyl uttered to himself.

"What? I'm so confused."

"I left my old school October 29. And you're the person I used to like." Dyl stated both left being shocked.

"If you went to my school then....... you're the person I used to like..." K stated throwing the both of them into an awkward silence.

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