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Loving you was red.........
Hey guys, I hope you will enjoy this story too

Cover credits to ImLilMissComplicated, for this awesome cover, thank you di


somewhere in goa

A girl POV

you thought, i didn't deserve you because i wasn't cool enough, i wasn't a dancer, i was a nobody, you said you loved me but you always misunderstood me, i was always a secondary option in your life, our love was not enough, our love couldn't hold for long, in my total one sided effort to hold our relation in place it broke somehow at last you labeling me as a clingy person, i hope you're happy with your dance & friends now, your first priority, your first love, don't think i hate you or something cause i'll always love no matter how much you hurt me, you will always be my prince charming & i'll always wish for your welfare but i will never be a part of your life again, i'm tired of fighting & for once i wanted to fought for but no you always misunderstood me, but don't worry i'm contend & happy with my life & don't want to change................

end of pov

somewhere in Mumbai ,

a girl was entering a mansion with happy & shy smile playing on her lips, she was so happy today, she got whatever she wanted in her life, her love, a loving family to call hers, caring friends & what not, that's the benefit of being only daughter of a rich industrialist, after all she was Anika Rana no oberoi now, it all come as a gift to her, making her believe in god more strongly, but she was unaware of the storm waiting in her life, she was unaware of the destruction it will cause, she was unaware that her world is going to change for once & all now she was unaware of everything.........
how suddenly her world crumbled & she got blamed for something she could never think of doing, the sin she never committed but the punishment she got, even her love with whom she was in relationship since 2 years & married for nearly one year , refused to believe & trust her & all she could think was maybe she never deserved it all, even her family turned their backs on her & no body was there to support her, no body but her brothers & she will be grateful to them for it Forever, she was indebted to them...

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