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Life has taught me

that you can't control

Someone's loyalty.

She got out of the building with her head held high, her eyes steely, her heart still nursing the unhealed injuries. She had become a damn good actress, proficient at hiding her feelings. She still remembers the naive innocent girl, her eyes filled with dreams of love as she fell for her brother best friend, a fan of his dancing, the girl who come to the city of dreams only to meet her prince charming, only to be insulted & scorned by him, always bearing his wrath, now she thinks what right did he have on her, to shout on her, to vent out his wrath on her, who was he to decide what was good for her or not, but she was too blinded in love to realize that she could just see a guy with a broken heart, she was happy being near him to be part of their group only to realize later that she was never part of their gang, they never consider her their friend, they were just tolerating her because she was  Swayam's sister, not because they considered her friend or something. how, naive she must have been then to think of tolerance as friendship, her life was going on, no not smoothly, but yes it was, maybe she cried daily but she was happy or so she thought, they day he proposed to her was the happiest day of her life, why wouldn't it be her long time dream has come true but her happiness was short lived, they both were afraid of her brother's reaction but when he told her brother that he would break off this relationship if her brother didn't agree on this relationship because he valued their friendship more than their love was left unsaid but not unheard, she had felt terribly afraid, uncertain & did she mention scared at that moment, scared of losing the love she always dreamed about before it even began thinking about all of it now she thinks she was better without that love in her life, without that relationship cause it gave her less reasons to be happy & more to cry over. She don't know why her heart still wants that love but it's good that now it's seldom she uses her heart to decide anything, her heart only comes alive when it's about her chosen family otherwise her mind rules.

She haled a cab from the main road & reached Sid's place, only to find everyone sulking.

"what happened, everyone ?? why so blue" asked Taani as she entered the hall watching her gang scattered around the hall with gloomy faces

"Anika's dad was here" answered Manik as he continued braiding Nandini's here who was sitting on the floor checking something on her phone

"and" Tani prompted as he left her on suspense

"they made up, sorted out their differences & He was really happy to get Swayam as his son-in-law"

"and why are you so gloomy about that"

"we are not gloomy about that, we are gloomy about this" Nandini spoke still looking at her phone

"And what is that"

"the media is going mad, about Shivaye & Elina's break up, Swayam & Anika's marriage, they're posting articles about how Swayam snatched Anika from Shivaye, Swayam is doing this to take revenge on Shivaye, How Anika trapped Swayam, Anika is doing this to make Shivaye jealous, Swayam is using Anika, their marriage will break within six months of their marriage, this is just a business deal & what nowt??????"

"Are the media person's this free, to publish all this rubbish, I think their is much more important news that's need publishing to be put in front of everyone"

"well, those things won't give them such high TRP now will they"

"as always everything is just about trp but it's nothing new than why so many gloomy faces"

"well, look like this posts has finally managed to seriously damage Anika's brain, do you know what she did, she asked Mr Rana to tell the Oberoi's & Singhania's we will participate in Priyanka's wedding, We will plan her wedding with them just to prove to the world that Anika is over Shivaye & She is through & through a Sekhawat now & Swayam agreed with her just like that, he is out of mind if you ask me" ranted Nandini as she glared at her imaginary foes

"well, I can't help but feel liking knocking some sense in them but why I feel it will be of no use"

"well, you're right because your mom-dad knows about it & are really looking forwards to it" grumbled an irritated Mikhail

"well, can't we run away at evening"

"no, have tried already"replied Ishana

"great, we are in for it then" She answered as she settled down beside Ishana on the couch, sighing they really were in for a long evening, with all the exes being present here, some fireworks were surely going to erupt here. some silent murders were going to be taken place, cause she wasn't sure she could control her desire to slap Rey if he touched her again. And she knows why Anika was doing this, she was really protective about her brother & never liked it if anyone pointed finger on her brother because of her or anyway in general, she could also understand Anika's point of view, her need to prove it to Shivaye to back off, to finally make him realize, she was over him but couldn't she just inform her a little bit prior, she could have made some back up plans, now she is stuck here without any proper plan in her mind if things went stray.

so, yeah that's all

hope you enjoyed it

And pls check out my story Shattered Desires

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