part 18

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"Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten"

Even though Swayam was injured the guys were not letting it to dampen their moods, they were doing as much fun as they do otherwise, the girls were getting some serious headaches handling all the boys turned kids in the family. As Rv & Omisha has resigned from the police force which has been the topic of gossip on the news as long as Anika could remember along with the attack on Swayam. The gang has kept a down profile for the time they came back to Mumbai, a few of them went outside to shop something or other but for most of the time they stayed home. And teased each other to hell & back. They played laser tag, paint ball at home destroying the whole home which needed days to be properly cleaned. It all went until Swayam's parents along with Malika & all other gang member's parents reached Mumbai filled with excitement.

And they decided that Rv & Omisha will also be married at the same day as Swayam & Anika as both of them have been engaged so it's better to get the two lovely couple married together. Rv & Omisha had no problem with all this so all the elders were happy & the preparation of marriage begin.

At breakfast table

"Mom, I'll stay with Swayam at home, making sure he don't over exert himself,"Anika informed Swayam's mom smiling softly

"but Beta, we were going to purchase the jewellery & dresses for your engagement ceremony" Mrs Sekhawat told Anika worriedly

"I know mom & I also know this that your choice is best, so you will select the best for me, someone have to look after him na" Anika told Mrs Sekhawat

"you know Anika, Swayam is so lucky to get you as his life partner & don't worry beta, I'll choose the best for both of my children" Mrs Sekhawat reassured her as she looked at the rest of the guys on the table who were trying their best to avoid looking at her but failing miserably.

"so, you boys will come on shopping right" Mrs Sekhawat asked the boys

"yeah...naah" were the replies that she got as she narrowed her eyes at them, the boys gave her various reasons for their absence & get out of there. The boys who were doomed to go on shopping with the girls were Manik, Mike, Rv & Sid.

Shivaye was roaming here & there aimlessly in the clothes shops, all the dresses he saw he couldn't help but think how they will look on his Anika, when someone bumped with his leg, he look down to see a boy rubbing his head, the boy looked up & Shivaye gasped he was looking at the pair of eyes same as his starring back at him with mischievousness shining in them. Shivaye couldn't even pin point the feelings he was feeling that moment when a voice behind him called Ansh, don't run like that champ, you might get hurt

"Sorry, bui" the boy in front of him whispered making an innocent face while holding his ears, making the girl smile lovingly at him then the boy turned back to him & said "sorry uncle, Ansh wasn't paying attention"

Shivaye's heart broke hearing his own son calling him uncle but still he managed to whisper back it's ok buddy, be careful next time

Ansh flashed shivaye one of his best smile when the girl called him again " Ansh, let's go baby we have to select your mumma & dadda's dress remember"

"yups, Ansh will find the best dress for mumma & dadda," Ansh spoke proudly as he ran towards the girl holding her hand, he moved with her jumping up & down in happiness pointing to one or other dress kept their, scrunching his face cutely when he didn't like any dress.

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