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A million words would not bring you back, I know because I've tried.
Neither would a million tears I know because I've cried.

Anika pov

"You haven't seen, Swayam yet have you" I saw my father nod his head in negative as I happily dragged dad to Swayam's study only to watch him still engrossed in his files.

"Swayam" I called him softly & he replied with a soft hmmm still engrossed in his files.

"Swayam dad is here" I spoke again & he replied again with a soft hmmm after sometimes when my words settled down in his overworking mind,  he looked up startled, he stared at me then dad, again at me before realization dawned in his eyes.

"Hello, uncle" he spoke respectfully  trying to get up when I glared hard at him

"Swayam, don't try to stand up, you're still injured"

He grumbled something under his breath, as he stopped trying to stand up & looked sheepishly at my dad.

" You two talk, I'll bring something for you to eat" Anika spoke happily as she got out of the room, leaving the two males to do as they please.

On the other hand

The gang were finally returning from their shopping spree, on the way home Tani spotted something & asked Sid to drop her there, stating she will come home a bit later she has just gotten the best surprise gift for Aniyam.

Listening to her enthusiastic voice,Sid complied to her wish while Rv warned her to be careful & call him if anything seemed off.

Reassuring them she will, Taani moved towards her destination. She walked through diff alleys before she finally reached her destination. An abandoned building with the board broken & hanging down. This was a shattered dream. A shattered dream of her brother. He wanted to make this place the best thing around here. A place where everyone could get solace. She entered the place with a look filled with temptation. She could clearly hear her brother's excited voice explaining her what will become what as she walked through the halls. A happy smile graced her lips hearing his dreams, watching his sparkling eyes & hearing his joyous laughter. Each floor having different plans, she could still imagine how beautiful the first floor would have looked with artificial grass on the floor different types of flowering, decorative & air purifying plants on pots & hanging pots decorating the room. Many bookshelfs filled with various books on the side, the dark oak wood decorated with 3D painting of flowering climbers, park benches & swings arranged around everywhere with a table in mid, decorated with flower vases & 3D paintings in every corner & wall of the room, then there in that corner will be the ordering corner from where anyone can order every type of food items. The items would have been hygienic, pure & uncostly. And then there will be a big radio prop on the farthest corner, while on the false ceiling speakers will be arranged which will play soft music. This was her brother's dream cafe & get together place where everyone could enjoy, great food, entertainment & read whatever books they wanted to read. The second floor would have been a music academy where she would have been teaching music to various interested persons, the floor equipped with every type of instrument present in the world.
And then the third floor will be for his friends, their dance academy with large mirror filled rooms, she thought as she entered the final floor walking in the hall, the dream shattered like his friendship, he gave up this dream when he left this city with a broken heart & broken friendship, after all what would be his dream if the people for whom he nourished the dream were not in his life anymore. Thinking so she entered the rehearsal hall still gracing the large mirror, it was the first room he created for their dance rehearsals & now it lies here as empty as his heart. She looked at her shadowed image created due to the dull lighting in the room. Her heart filled with plans how to complete the project dreamt by her brother, when she saw another shadow forming beside her on the mirror, turning around she come face to face with a face she didn't wanted to see again in her whole lifetime, a face which she once died to see, a face she once loved.

" what are you doing here, Mr Singhania"


" I don't like repeating my question, what are you doing in a private property Mr Singhania"

"I come here whenever I miss Swayam, what are you doing here Taani"

"Funny isn't it, you miss the person you drove away, shattered his dreams yet you're standing where he thought of transforming his dreams into reality & I don't think I'm answerable to you about why I'm here on my brother's property, now pls excuse me " stating so she moved past him ready to get away from his presence when he gripped her hand & pulled her back to him, wrapping his arms around her as he spoke softly " I missed you to taani, I'm so sorry, I'm really I never meant to do so Tani, you didn't know how much it was hurting me breaking up with you, I thought I was doing it for your benefit but I was wrong, I'm so sorry Taani, pls forgive me love, pls give me one more chance, just one chance, I love you, I still love you." He rambled on her shoulder hugging her tightly not realizing she wasn't responding to his hug until she spoke

"But I don't" he let her go reluctantly as his melancholy filled eyes stared in her steely one's

"But I don't Rey, I don't love you anymore & are you sure whatever you did was for my benefit & not yours, it wasn't because I was coming in b/w You & your friends, it wasn't because if someone asked you to choose b/w me & your friends, you would choose them without even blinking, you know both of you brother-sister are same, whatever maybe the problem be the solution will be breakup for both of you. Never once you tried to talk to me, consult with me, do you even remember how much time you spent with me, an hour if I was lucky, you know what Rey if that was your love I'm happy without it in my life, I don't want love, I'm perfectly capable of loving myself, I don't need anyone else to pretend they love me when in reality I'm not even the 5 person in their top priority list leave being first,  I don't want any love Rey"

" Taani pls don't say like this, I love you,  I really do, I know I was an idiot back then but trust me I'll never forsake you, I'll be there for you Taani, pls I want to stay with you forever, marry you, grow old with you, pls Taani just give me one chance."

"You've said the same things to me before too remember Rey, marriage I remember once you called them my stupid dreams then how come it become so important to you now Rey but now marriage seems like a stupid thing to me, I don't want any relationship  to hold me down, I want to be free of burdens & expectations that comes with a relationship."

"Don't talk like this Taani, I didn't mean anything when I said that Taani, pls don't do this to me, to us"

" there was never an us Rey, there never was an us, I'm just finishing what you started & don't think I've forgotten how much pain you made my brother go through, and remember once you told Bhai that if he doesn't agree to our relationship, you will end this relationship & now I know he doesn't want this relationship, so I'm ending it here only." She spoke with an emotionless voice.

"Why are you talking like this Taani, I know I was wrong but can't you feel the spark b/w us, can't you feel us, can't you feel our heart beating in sync"

"You're trying in vain Rey, I ain't feeling anything. I'm like a shooting star after it falls off the sky, it has no connection with the sky. Your attempts are futile don't try, cause I won't marry in this lifetime & my decision is final." Saying so she left leaving him with a broken heart, a broken heart she was nurturing for so long.

That's all for today folks

Hope you enjoyed it.

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