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It had been ages since, Anika  has entered the academy , she was so busy with handling everything in the office that she didn't get a chance to come to this wonderful place. As soon as she entered the academy she felt free & happy, she decided it had something to do with the academy's aura & all the infectious smile of teenagers & all the children that come here to learn, their eyes held so many dreams & hopes, unaware of the harsh realities, living in their own dream world. she didn't even have to worry about Ansh here, the team takes great care of him, he even forgets his mom when he is here.

Anika pov

I was in the academy watching the dance class taken by Mikhail himself today, teaching the kids & encouraging them when they felt they couldn't do that step, she had seen diff sides of all of them. they all had so many shades & were so young to start with it all, they all had accepted her in their family, they let her take her own sweet time to mix up with them or it was them who needed time to trust her, she couldn't decide but she was happy as it was, they never asked her any personal questions but when she did opened up to them, they let her cry on their shoulders consoling her, they understood her so welly & she could never understand how, they had this mysterious Aura surrounding them, they were so happy with each other, they shared everything with each other, they were like a team, a family, she had noticed each of them so closely, she had studied each & every one of them in the past years when they all were leaving together, she understand them they way she understands herself now, the way mike & baby looked each other so lovingly, their relationship filled with so much love, that it hurted her sometimes in past thinking she never saw that much love for her in Shivaye's eyes, a diff. kind of understanding b/w them, the silent agreements, the trust, the fear of losing each other & the thing that shocked her most that there was no insecurity in their relation, baby didn't get jealous watching Mikhail with other girls, not even after knowing how many girls were behind Mikhail, how many of them sent him love letters, she would just laugh at them or tease Mikhail with some funny name, when she asked her about it she just smiled & said I know he only loves me, after all he did for me, their is no reason for me to be insecure, he is a star & he would always have uncountable fans, I can't come in b/w his fans love for him, then harry & Dia also in love supporting each other, than Amar & Sonam the said clowns of the group always making the others laugh but still with them forever supporting them through thick & thin, but last not least Tani & Swayam, the brother & sister bond, so strong that nothing could destroy or come b/w them, She always thought the bond b/w her, Sid bhai & Rv was strongest but taayam proved her thesis wrong, Taayams bond was stronger, Swayam supporting Tani in everything, when she got to know Tani was actually the MD of The TS group while Swayam was CEO still Swayam was happy about it all, the pain filled look Swayam has whenever Tani says she had the best brother in the whole world, she couldn't miss it all, she never knew the story behind each of them would be so heart wrenching but now that she knows the story behind each & every one of them, her respect & love for them has increased ten times. she has seen how much hard work they do, handling their dreams, passion & responsibility all together, she also noticed the guys protectiveness & possessiveness about the girls in which she is also included but there were no restrictions on the girls, they were free to fly, live & laugh happily, no one was cutting their wings off rather they were nourishing & healing their wings, teaching them to fly again, she had seen Tani writing & singing songs, all of them have such a strong themes, so much pain or so much joy she could clearly understand from where it all comes, they all had  their secrets but all the secrets were kept open in front of them all, they were one, there were no secrets in their sweet family,

End of pov

It was late in Evening, while the gang was still in the academy discussing the story plot for their no show

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