part 25

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Everything will be okay in the end,
If it's not okay than its not the end.

She stood there in the gloomy hospital, starring towards the I.C.U with melancholy filled eyes. She wasn't on time this time. She was late & they payed the price for it. She didn't care no longer as she sat there on the cold shinning marble floor, her eyes kept on starring at the roof, waiting for a miracle because that's what she needs now a miracle.
The others were not here, Rv & Omisha were handling that madman who destroyed their little family. Saumya & Ishana was at home handling Ansh & kashika, she didn't know how will she face Ansh she couldn't save her mom, neither could she save his dad. She knew it was too late for her brother too. He was too stubborn for his own good, if he decided he doesn't want to live than no power on this earth could make him stay. She was just waiting for her worst fears to come true. And true it did come when the doors opened & the doctors announced in a very grave voice that they couldn't save her brother. She didn't cry, no she didn't she couldn't break now, she just nodded her head at him as Mike asked the doctor for the formalities they have to do to take the bodies. He went with the doctor to complete the formalities while she entered the room, dreading what she will see but she just couldn't stay away not now. Their he was her superhero lying so still on the bed covered in white sheets if it wasn't for all the bruises on his face & his still figure she would have thought he was just sleeping like always. And the treacherous tears flowed out of her eyes as if some dam had broken, she cried for what she lost, she cried for the reality she didn't want to believe, she cried for her brother who sacrificed himself for love, a love he wasn't even aware of.

" I promise Bhai, Anika, Ansh will become what you guys wanted him to be, I'll take care of him, forever till my last breath.he will always be my top priority, he is all I've left with" She promised her eyes shinning with determination , she looked expectantly at the still figure lying in front of her waiting for an answer that never came

"I miss you" she spoke silently as Mike entered the room & they got ready to take both the bodies to their home.

She found Shivaye & the oberoi's crying loudly around Anika's badly burnt body, Shivaye begging her to come back to him, stating that she can't leave him like this & she couldn't help but scoff he didn't let her live peacefully now he is not even letting her die peacefully & what this space has, what this place has given them expect of endless sorrows. Now, they're finally free of all the sorrows, of all the miseries associated with life, now why don't he let her finally be happy, yes it hurts us to be separated from our love ones but we should be happy, they went to a better place. They took both the bodies for cremation. All the customs were done according to Hindu traditions, the media was also wailing about the death of this two stars, playing the story about the incomplete tale of shivika who were separated by a jealous mistress & the story of eternal love of aniyam. But the gang members were too lost in their grief too pay any heed too media, they had lost their family most of the time they had closed themselves in the mansion, they were spending all their time with Ansh trying to cheer him up, not letting him out of their sight even once. After all he is all they are left with.

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