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The oberoi's & Singhania's entered the Rana mansion. They saw Vikram Rana sitting on his grand sofa with a long face looking dejected & furious. He has a dangerous aura surrounding him, making the people that just entered look at him cautiously.

"Vikram Sb theek h na( everything ok)" Tej asked him as everyone moved towards him

"ha dad, what happened everything alright" Shivaye asked him in concern

Vikram stood up moved towards him & slapped him tightly, shocking everyone around them

"Vikram/Bhaisaabh/uncle" everyone around him asked him in shock

"Alright, Everything alright, after destroying my family, after destroying my daughter's life, after making my children hate me so much that they don't even want to live in the same place as me, you're asking everything Alright, you destroyed everything Mr Shivaye Singh Oberoi, you don't have the right to call me dad anymore when my Daughter who gave you the right has stop calling me that" Vikram Rana roared finally loosing his control as all the anguish inside him floated out at Shivaye

"what are you saying Vikram, are you even in your senses" Dadi demanded from him sounding very aggrieved

"yes, I know what I'm speaking cause I've the bloody proofs, the truth which I should have sought out ages ago at least like that I wouldn't have lost one of my son forever" Vikram spoke angrily as he glared daggers at Shivaye

"what do you mean Vikram" Tej asked him acting as a peacemaker as he came b/w Shivaye & Vikram

"what I mean is that Anika & Rv were never dating, all those stuff spoken to me were lies which I believed like a fool, I should have known my upbringing can never do something like that, I should have known how could Anika & Rv date each other when they have treated each other as brother-sister since childhood" Vikram roared sounding like an injured lion

"what do you mean?" Dadi asked him fearfully never she has seen Vikram so angry

"all those pics were taken when Anika casually meet her brother, actually cousin brother, Rv was Anika's mom's sister's son, the sister who was so cruelly killed by her own husband, she was her beloved Anamika's son, the son she swear to protect, that she even hided his true identity from everyone but her own children, they were more close than siblings & the child she promised to protect died because of me, because of my lack of trust on my upbringing, what will I tell her if I ever meet her in the after life, no doubt my daughter & son hates me & you Mr Shivaye Singh Oberoi who portrayed the victim for so many years turned out to be the culprit huh, didn't your consciousness ever mocked you when you were hurling insult at my daughter calling her characterless, unfaithful & god knows what when you yourself cheated on her from the first day of this relationship, didn't your consciousness ever mock you, you played with my daughter's feeling you broke her yet I trusted you when she needed me the most instead of her, did you even realize that you have condemned your own child to hear the nasty words as sin & illegitimate child, don't tell me you didn't know Anika was pregnant when you threw her out of her house & your oh so lovely gf didn't leave any chance to make sure that the child dies or Anika never tries to contact you again, I think she did this good, I don't want my Anika's child to grow with a father figure like you, I'm proud that my son didn't leave his sister side like his father & you Miss Priyanka  Oberoi you said you loved Rv with all your heart, you couldn't accept his betrayal & went in depression was this your love Miss Oberoi, was that your love that you didn't give him a chance to explain you knew he was a police officer & my daughter's best friend as he told you can't she meet him to share some of her problems with her, you should have given him a chance to explain did you once hear his explanation when he tried to tell you that you guys misinterpreted the situation b/w them, he hugged her because he was consoling her, that was the day Anika got to know she was pregnant & also this so sweet gf of your's Mr SSO told her she was pregnant with your baby, she was devastated she didn't know what to do so she seeked her guide, she went for Rv to ask him what to do & that guy made her realize that your gf was lying Shivaye, he told her to trust you & what did he got in return, you sent him towards his death, you know Rv is dead right Shivaye after all you told your detective to get all the information on him then you must be knowing how he died right, you must be knowing that there wasn't a single part of his body which wasn't pierced by bullets, his face was destroyed beyond recognition & my daughter saw him like that, she did his last rites as Sid wasn't there, now tell me Mr & Miss. Oberoi what mistake did they commit, what did they did wrong to deserve that fate, what did they did apart from loving you unconditionally, and what they got in return, you never loved them, they never deserved someone like you, I didn't fulfill their every wish in childhood to watch this day, I didn't even get the chance to say good bye to him , to beg for his forgiveness," Vikram Rana said finally breaking down

The truth was hard to process their wasn't a single dry eyes in the room, the oberoi elders were too ashamed to look at Vikram while Priyanka was sobbing her heart out on the floor, Rv's death hitting him harder & the truth just made everything so worse, even Shivaye  was crying, the guy who never cried was crying because of the guilt.

" I promise, I'll make everything right uncle, I promise, I'll beg Anika for forgiveness & get her & my son back, they will get the respect they deserve & no one will ever doubt her status or character ever" Shivaye spoke in a broken but determined voice

"my sister doesn't need you to provide her that Mr oberoi & what son of your, there is no child of your's around here, Mr SSO, you were in the party right when that Daksh tried to misbehave with my sister, he might not have realized what big mistake he did but he will soon, I'll deal with Daksh later but did you forget Swayam declaring in front of the whole world that Anika is his Fiance & Tanish his child, he will never be your child Shivaye, his daddy is Swayam, his entire world revolves around his dad, the affection he has for Swayam you won't be able to gain that affection in your entire life Shivaye, you weren't there for him since his birth but Swayam was & so you can't break them apart ever Shivaye, you didn't even know your son's name a few hours ago. so, it's better if you don't interfere in their life Mr Oberoi, it won't end good for you, it never has for anyone who tried to snatch Swayam's son from him" Sidharth Rana spoke arrogantly taunting Shivaye ruthlessly as he made his presence known

"but he is not his blood beta, he is Shivaye's blood" Dadi spoke softly as if that's all that mattered

"blood never did matter to them Dadi sa & relations just happened to be connected with heart not blood, for Swayam Tanish is his son & for Tanish Swayam his dad & that's all matter, so you finally got to know the truth good, I'm leaving if that's all you had to stay, my sister & best friend needs me most right now" stating so Sid started leaving from there then turned around & said

"Anika & Swayam are going to be married next month, stop them if you can" He challenged Shivaye as he again started leaving

"Ranveer" Priyanka yelled after Sid making him turn around

"he is no more" Sid spoke in an emotionless voice as he departed from there leaving few totally broken souls.

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