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"Swayam" Everyone shouted his name together in anxiety. Anika was the first one to react as she rushed towards him with hasty steps as she sat beside him on the footpath as he whimpered holding his injured leg, his face scrunched up together as he tried to ignore the burning pain on his leg & concentrate on his rapid breathing

"how's Ansh" was the first sentence that got out of him as he felt Anika's soft hands holding his face gently as Sid called for the damn Car to take him to hospital immediately

"he is fine, scared but fine, how are you doing" She asked him worry lacing her voice as tears fell silently down her face

"I'm fine"

"I can see that"

"bro, how are you holding, the car is here, don't worry you will be fine" he come face to face with Sid's worried face now as he helped him get up & gently made him sit in the car

"ugh, fine the bullet went through" Swayam answered his face scrunched up in pain

They reached the city hospital soon, where Swayam's wound was checked & bandaged properly, as he said the bullet went through his leg so they didn't have to dig the bullet out of him. He was allowed to go back to his home to but with a strict warning to not put any pressure on his leg.

When they reach home the first thing, Ansh did was  hold onto Swayam tightly & cry for hours, he was scared & thought because of him Swayam got hurt, all the blood flowing out of Swayam's leg did nothing but scare the poor child more. Swayam tried his best to calm the crying child but the fear of losing his dad was too much for the kid to handle so he didn't leave Swayam for a single moment that day, he stick with him until both of them fell asleep one because of the medicines taking effect the other because of being tired out due to the day's events.

Anika found them like that Swayam sleeping with Ansh wrapped around him, she smiled at the sight as she covered both of her boys properly with the duvet before kissing both of their foreheads lovingly, today's event has scared her too much, she was just seconds away from losing her son, her life, if it wasn't for Swayam's interference but the sight of Swayam whimpering in pain on the road broke her heart in a way she didn't ever know was possible, the thought of losing him scared her more, she couldn't imagine her life without any of them now, they were the constant of her life, the person she know will be with her till the end of the line. She has always seen the strong, unbreakable, side of Swayam so his vulnerable , breaking side hurt her more than him, she never wanted to see him like that never ever, She knew he was in danger because of her & she also knew who attacked Ansh. They thought she is still the weak Anika who will silently endure all their tortures & schemes. Gosh, aren't they idiotic they have tried to kill her son, hurt the most important person in his life, this time she won't endure silently. This time she will show them what Anika Rana can do.

Even though Swayam has informed his parents, that it was his old enemies who are trying to hurt Ansh & her for revenge, she knows better, he is just saying so, so no one blames her. She don't know how she will repay him for whatever he has done & is doing for them but she knows one thing, she won't let anyone hurt him because of her.

gently closing the door, she went outside only to meet with the worried face of her bhai

"he is too much attached to him, isn't he" he asked her as a way of breaking the tense moment

"well, anyone who knows the real him couldn't help but get attached to him" she told him in a matter of fact tone as they went towards the lounge

"how are the others doing bhai" she asked him worried, she has been so worried about Swayam that she didn't get the chance to ask the others how they were coping

"they're fine, worried for him, but okay, what are you thinking of doing now, Anika" he replied to her looking ahead till deep in thoughts

"I want to know where Elina is, I know she is behind it all & I'm going to find her & show her why she shouldn't mess up with a Rana, she has already snatched Shivaye away from me, I didn't say anything then but now if she wants to get Swayam & Ansh away from me, she tried hurting them than she sure is asking for a war & she will get a war, cause Anika Rana is not letting her go this time," She snarled angrily looking like a mumma wolf too dangerous to go close to

"I'll ask Rv to track her location then" Sid informed her softly

"no, bhai let Rv rest for sometime, he has just officially retired from the department, let me get the details my way" She told him her eyes glinting evilly

"ohk, I'm there always for you know that right, I'll be there helping you tell me what I should do" he asked her softly

"protect them bhai leave the rest on me" She told him softly as they reached downstairs only to meet by few anxious pairs of eyes asking in sync "how is bhai/swayam"

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