part 6

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"Friendship isn't about whom you've known the longest. It's about who come and never left your side."

Anika was really tired, she has been stuck here from the morning taking auditions of the candidates, but she found no one suitable for Rv's & Omisha's role, she didn't even found anyone who could depict everything she has gone through, they all were portraying it as a story no one could play the emotions well. Tired she rested her head on Mike's shoulder

"ok, they don't know how to act seriously, so much over acting dude I'm tired, we want the show to be realistic not over dramatic" Anika whispered angrily in Mike's ear as her throbbing head rested on his shoulder

" I know, I'm barely controlling myself from lashing out them yrr, I don't know what to say, I'm tired of all the fake smiles & gooey eyes" Mike grumbled back to her

"how many left??" Anika asked him pouting

"not many, 3-4, I guess" he told her going through his list

"hmm, call the next contestant then, let's get it over with" Anika told him as she lifted her head from his shoulder & look towards the stage, both of them were totally unaware of their pics being clicked at that moment.

A girl entered the stage looking scared out of her wits, Mike was damn shocked looking at the girl while Anika was looking at her curiously

"hi, you're" Mike asked her with a friendly smile

"hi..I....I....I'" the girl answered them shuttering

"hey, there's no need to be scared, we are not going to eat you, up, you can start" Anika told her smiling softly

she nodded her head & closed her eyes, when she reopened her eyes the nervous girl wasn't there anymore. The nervous girl has transformed into a heart broken girl.

" You know there was once a time I loved you, I loved you lot Darsh, you were my world, my life revolved around you, I couldn't hear a single thing against you because I loved you but you know what I'm not that Innocent, naive, orphan college girl anymore. I don't believe in love, I don't care anymore so get lost before I do something I'll regret" the girl spoke all this with an indifferent attitude as if the man in front her didn't matter even a little to her

"we are not lovers, we are enemies Darsh" she spoke in an controlled voice, nothing gave away her true feelings as she walked away with her head held high

"I know I'm an orphan, you don't need to remind me it again & again" she spoke finally breaking down

She played three different stages of the character all with perfection,

"perfect," Anika spoke clapping her hands

"well done" Mike added his two cents

"so, send your manager to us, we will go over the contract" Anika told her happily, finally they got Omisha's character

"thank you, sorry but I don't have a manager" Ishana told them guiltily

"it's fine, just leave your contact detail their with baby, we will call you" Mike told her smiling happily

"ok, thank you" stating so Ishana left from there with an expressionless face

"just the need of the last character, than our work is done here" Mike told Anika

"yeah & I'll be able to help Taani with the songs" Anika replied back to him happily

They auditions continued for sometime with, no male actor actually portraying the pain Rv went through yet he didn't hate Priyanka, they forgot that part, they acted as if they hated priyanka while Rv really didn't hate Priyanka.

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