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"A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares allthings and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path"

It has been 15 yrs since the dreadful incident, 15 yrs since the gang lost one of it's leader & two bestest friends.
Time has moved on, but they were still the same. The bond of gang hasn't been shattered by their loss it has just become more stronger, nothing & no one could come in b/w them. They were  on heights of success in both their  professional & personal fields. They were still the same while their heart always layed with Ansh, their heart beat.
Manan were married, so we're Mihar & Harry & diya were also happily married. In the course of time Ishana has also left them forever, her days as a con artist has taken a serious toll on her body & she had crumbled to cancer. But she was happy till her last breath, she has embraced death as if it was a long lost friend, she was loved till her last breath & that was all she asked for. Saumya has adopted a child. Rv & Omisha were also living happily with kashika as their only child. But you know what the fun fact was they still stayed together, they were neighbours to be specific but most of the time they spent together at one house like they were so habitual to do.

In late morning,

A women was walking through the large corridors of the huge mansion which she called home, dressed in an elegant blue shirt dress and sneakers, she stopped in front of a room stared at it for sometimes than continued her journey, she descended down the stairs elegantly & moved towards the dinning hall, only to spot two  young standing  standing near the table, drinking Orange juice. She shook her head at them exasperated

" guys, how many times should I tell you to sit & drink the juice" the women spoke as she moved towards them.

"Oops," both of them said looking at her smiling cutely, her heart reminded her of another set of same smiles, she controlled her sadness & looked at them, this smiles, this sparkling eyes were the reason she was still breathing.

She was just about to go to kitchen past them to make something for herself, when the two little kids stopped her on her tracks, she felt her being squeezed in a tight hug by them from both sides, as they kissed her cheeks lightly & she couldn't help but grin happily as she felt the love oozing out of them for her.

" good morning, angel" they spoke in perfect sync, they behaved as if they were twins always, she doesn't remember why but suddenly from her first b'day after her brother's demise Ansh has stick on calling her Angel & Kashika always does what Ansh does, so she has started calling her Angel too. And that habit has stuck with them till now.

" good morning" she wished them back, kissing their cheeks happily

" here, for you" Ansh replied smiling brightly as he passed her a plate full of sandwiches. She looked at both of them with raised eyebrows which they shrugged smiling innocently at her.

She took several for her & watched as they piled their plates too. She took the first bite as she saw both of looking at her expectantly.

" it's delicious" she told them as she watch them grin back happily at her & her heart filled with elation, they don't know how precious they are to her.

" okay, so how was the morning jog sessions kiddos" she asked them happily as they started eating too

" refreshing,brilliant but it doesn't have the same feel as Goa." They informed her happily.

" yeah,it won't feel the same, so excited for the first day of college life, huh" she asked them changing the topic

" very, nervous too though" Ansh answered her looking sheepish

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