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Richerd's Pov

He's been in that bathroom for too long.

Well that was embarrassing. I thought he would intimidated, frightened. Guess I'm not good at it? I don't know my mind is running extremely fast.

Mr. Dombre, my Spanish teacher, yelled at me for being late. I sat their as his accent came out funny, scrambling my mind,

"Ju are faileeng. You have en F in my closs and ju continue to disobey my advice!!!"

I sat there, last in the class. I felt humiliated.

Bling bling

My phone sent notification at speeds I haven't recognized since I had a girlfriend. I looked to the door and there he was, staring at me. His emotions blank, his grey eyes, staring into my soul. I felt a tension rise within me. Why was he staring at me?

"Are just listening to me?!?" Mr. Dombre stepped in my line of vision.

"Ju know what I'm done talking, ju can talk to your pardents. When ju get home because I'm going to call." He said, shooing me out his class. I looked back at the door and he was gone like he was never there.

Skipping 7th period, I walked to the bathroom to smoke, drink, something.

I pulled a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket and my lighter, clicking it to life. I closed my eyes putting the cigarette in my mouth. The puff of smoke slithered out of my mouth as I sat there in the stall. Suddenly footsteps approached the door and I quickly stomped the cigarette and waved the smoke around. I opened the stall door to be met by him. This anonymous boy stood in front of me staring into my soul. I couldn't move. Frozen in place. His eyes so smokey. His chiseled face was as of a grown man. He lifted his hand to touch my face like earlier, but this time, I didn't smack it away. I let it happen. His warm hand caressing my face, sending tingles down my spine. I moaned quietly.

"What is your name?" He said. His voice so smooth and quiet. I sat there, not a word spoken. His other hand grabbed my face, pulled me down until he's looking directly in my eyes.

"What is your name, Hun?" His breathing was heavy. The tension was rising and I could feel it.

"Rich-" His lips smashed into mine. His hand caressed my back as if he was expecting the clothes to disappear. He was wanting skin. I grabbed his hair, yanking it back, exposing his neck. I lead a trail of kisses down his neck.

"Aaahh," he moaned. He got hold of my shirt and pulled it over my head. At the heated moment, I heard the bell ring and kids voices explode into the hallway. I quickly snatched away from his surprisingly strong grip. I pulled my shirt back on and dashed out of the bathroom. He stood there as I were still there, his face blank of any emotion. I wish he would smile for once.


At home, I was in my room. My rock music blazing. I could finally be myself. The act is finally over...

"Rich, get your ass down here and do the fucking dishes." My mom said. She's the only person who brought me out of my easy life. I slammed my headphones down on the floor and set off down stairs.

"You good for nothing thing, you don't help for shit in this house." She said putting a cigarette in her mouth. I walked to the sink and began to wash lasagna off the dishes.

Why so many dishes, it's only 2 of us in this house?

At this point, I can tell tonight is going to be a long night.

The water enclosed my ears as I heard the life of it. My mind began to ease as I drifted into it's calmness. I was left in this world where calamity was brought down to a minimum. I imagined a forest of white trees, dripping with milk and honey. I walked through this forest and on the other side there he was. Sitting there, by a pool of water, as if he was a small child. I walked to him and sat next to him, but he didn't move a muscle, 

"Why are you here." He said in a childish whisper. I sat in awe as he spoke with such ease. His voice so smooth.

"What is here," my raspy voice rang through the forest, "Where am I."

"In my land," he said, making a drop in the water, "You are where I am roam. 

Just then a dear hopped out of the forest. A doe. It walked by him and sat down. It laid it's head on his lap and began to rest. 

"Shush, my darling. Now is your time to rest." And at that, I woke up on the floor. 

"Richard, goddammit, are you okay? I was worried." My mom said, still with a cigarette in her mouth. 

"Yeah," I grunted, "I'm fine. Isn't like you'd cared if I stayed down there." I turned to the dishes and finished washing. 

Flicking my hands,I made my way upstairs. Was that a dream or was it for real. What did it mean, what was it meant for. No, the question is.....Was it really him?

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